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Ryn Chirr

Ender VIP
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Status Updates posted by Ryn Chirr

  1. *Slow claps for the one who broke the server*

  2. Whoever is DDoSing the server... knock it off!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jygg


      Gah. No more DDoS please.

    3. BannanaToYou


      ddos is more real men

    4. Jygg


      Server fixed.

  3. Annnd it's dead.

  4. Did the server just die?

  5. #Are we there yet?

    1. LukeZo


      No. We've decided to stay in Athera.

    2. xfactorninja


      Yea lets just turn around our boats and go home.

    3. LukeZo


      I've already went back. I don't know where you lot are, but I'm sitting on the throne.

  6. ok who borked the server?

    1. Trin Keeper

      Trin Keeper

      I had the same question! XD

  7. Server down right now?

  8. While waiting for the server to stop crashing... Watching Maid RP... XD

  9. I keep getting timed out. I feel like a naughty 4 year old at day care...

    1. Fitermon


      You /are/ a naughty four year old ;)

    2. Joe_Blackman


      get your kinks outta here

    3. susitsu



  10. The server has died. Long live the server!

  11. Question about Regions: We have 8 people and they are active, yet active at different times. Does it still count that we are active if we aren't all on at the same time?

  12. Gm's shouldn't be allowed to do pvp... especially with overpowered weapons with no proof they didn't spawn it in.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Temp


      You should take a break and calm yourself. Closely examine your argument and if it's something even remotely logical, open a thread where potential action can be taken instead of complaining on statuses.

    3. 3andD


      He made a valid point and is just voicing his opinion temp literally no need to create a thread bc it'll just lead to an argument aka what happene above

    4. Ark


      They should be able to pvp/rp.

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