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NiC201 (Aeries)

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Status Updates posted by NiC201 (Aeries)

  1. RolePlaying as an Ordinator has lost all joy.... Sick of getting slaughtered the second I step outside into Salvus :/ :S MUST STAY LOCKED AWAY IN MY DUNGEON

    1. Swgrclan
    2. Trouvo


      shouldnt have treated your people so poorly :3

    3. NiC201 (Aeries)

      NiC201 (Aeries)

      I was the nice one though!! :'(

      Eheheheeh Swgrc!! <3

  2. Searching up 'Aeries' on the forums because I like to know where I'm mentioned XD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rhia


      This is expected. >.>

    3. ~≈Panda≈~


      See? Told you Panda wouldnt see you in months :<

    4. NiC201 (Aeries)

      NiC201 (Aeries)

      XD Lol ^^

      And Panda ... :(

  3. Smiling like the biggest dork ever to become to newest addition to the VAT :)

  4. So many profile view for little old me? :O Nawwww

    1. Cracker


      cuz u were banned ;_;

    2. NiC201 (Aeries)

      NiC201 (Aeries)

      Nope, its cuz they like me :)

  5. So, I heard that you're a doodle?

  6. Soooo... Ima find a way to get it ;)

  7. Sparrow is swagalicious

    1. SparehoeCakes


      <3 Didn't know you posted this until now. LUB CHU

    2. NiC201 (Aeries)
  8. Take away a VA for a teamspeak event? *Claps*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ~≈Panda≈~


      Wait what? Panda does not approve ..

    3. Belyn


      Everyone give Respiren a bow. Taking away a Va for a TS event?

    4. Mizu/Uzim


      *Bows and claps with a wide smile "Attention granted"

  9. Thanks for all the congrats :3

  10. That awkward moment when you realise your picture is too small to actually look like you xD

  11. That moment when theres more NPC's online then people

  12. That satisfying feeling when you are feared by most on lotc :D ;)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Feared? Meh. What's satisfying is when people are hunting you.

    3. Strife


      Come at me.

    4. NiC201 (Aeries)
  13. The good old days... When everyone tried to kill us :3 http://i.imgur.com/enxsc.jpg

  14. The screams roar through the air as the many troops smash their feet and weapons into the ground, waiting for the war to begin. A small silence occurs, the water from rain pouring down their helmets. The war of 'The Flame' begins!

    1. Mucky


      I don't think it is happening at all now

    2. NiC201 (Aeries)
  15. They call me Stacey, that's not my name.

    1. NiC201 (Aeries)

      NiC201 (Aeries)

      Jokes, everyone has forgotten me. ;-;

  16. Thinking I should get a lip piercing, yeah? (:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Secret Lizard President

      Secret Lizard President

      If that's what you want, but I dislike piercings personally! It's all about what makes you happy though. : )

    3. Arbrek the Ancient

      Arbrek the Ancient

      No, no you should not.

    4. NiC201 (Aeries)

      NiC201 (Aeries)

      I think it'll look good (:

  17. Trying to 2vs9 because Im just that great? :D

    1. V0idsoldier


      *Can do that*

    2. ~≈Panda≈~


      You always survive... HM.. A LITTLE STRONG THERE. DO YOU FEEL LUCKY? WELL, DO YA, PUNK?!

    3. NiC201 (Aeries)

      NiC201 (Aeries)

      I didnt survive this time ;) :P

  18. UNBAN DRELIK 2012

    1. Drelik


      Im not banned...

  19. VAT Q&A 3 - 4 pm EST, Don't miss it! :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NiC201 (Aeries)

      NiC201 (Aeries)

      But then why does the Skype chat say Meeting at 2-3? QQ

    3. Urasept


      2-3 Cst which is 3-4 Est

    4. NiC201 (Aeries)
  20. VAT Q&A is starting now! Feel free to come ask some questions

  21. Walk up to the club like what up bruh I'm back. C:

  22. Well Apparently Im really fricken stupid and just fell for Vaq's patch preview troll :/ FML :P

  23. What's on my find? IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS FORUMS! >:(

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