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Status Updates posted by Serf

  1. Looking for an ET interested in doing an event line I have in mind for the dwarves. PM me if interested

  2. Since when did moderating the forums ever matter? Go moderate the age-players instead

  3. So uh... when will the server be made 18+ ?

    1. Onnensr


      it is active, possibly even intentional child endangerment to keep them here

  4. These pedos gettin dabbed on epic style.

  5. What are people's obsession with wanting to keep kids on this server? If you are over 18 wanting to play with kids all day seek help immediately. If you are underage, you are better off not on here!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Serf


      @Hunnic Tell me what's easier for moderation. Spending and dedicating resources to honey pot suspects unpaid? Or simply ban someone when they're discovered to be underage?

    3. Hunnic


      Tbh they should just close the server at this point 

    4. Onnensr


      @ReveredOwlif they out themselves once the kids are gone, that just makes it much easier to ban them permanently. it's not like any other rule should change to cater to an 18+ audience. it's not a perfect analogy, but we didn't just make adults giving alcohol illegal and leave it at that. we made it illegal for kids to be around it. obviously, that doesn't always work, but it minimizes the problem. that's the goal, minimizing it as much as can be done

  6. Who should I talk to for a wiki account? I’d like to update the wiki pages and add missing info for the dwarves.

  7. Best video over:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Juzi


      I've watched it several times over just so I can comprehend what in the hell is going on...

    3. Bofauk


      Stripes was a good movie.

    4. Bofauk


      Stripes was a good movie.

  8. Dear Volcano of Elysium. Why did you have to erupt?

  9. Does anybody have a map save of late Athera, or Kal'Karaad specifically?

    1. Space


      There is a torrent, Tythus posted it somewhere, doubt it has any seeders.

    2. MetaSolaray


      If you find this I'd like it, I want to visit my old home D:

    3. Serf


      Found the torrent post made by Tythus

      I am actually downloading it surprisingly fast.

  10. Dwarven Workforce Application and Roster is up. Check it out on the main Yemekar's Workforce post in the Dwarven Roleplay section of the forums.

  11. Dwarven Workforce applications almost finished.

  12. Huh, I just met a fellow LOTCer in my latin class small world

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Hanrahan
    3. Haelphon


      Woah that's awesome :O

    4. JtPv


      human scum

      cuz erryone nose humans arnt reel, rite?

  13. I was thinking of returning to LOTC, but then I saw what was happening, and turned back.

    1. Nowak


      Thats a smart move xD staff be swinging their banhammers xD

    2. Proddy


      very prudent..!

  14. Oh the joys of Muggers at the Cloud Temple that sit at the Temple Docks, and mug people for Minas..

    1. V0idsoldier


      Theres like three bandits now a days. Not enough.

    2. Serf


      True, but its the fact that they're practically in the Cloud Temple.

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