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Gold VIP
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Status Replies posted by Viper3X

  1. Just listening to music. What about you?

  2. Birthday over <. goodnight lotc>

  3. My new headset is sexy

  4. My new headset is sexy

  5. Livin in an Amish Paradise~

  6. Add me on LoL! IGN : HyperCriticality

  7. I feel like I have to get to know more people on the forums. There are all these amazing people out there that I don't know personally.

  8. EVERYONE! Go outside and look at the night sky, its BEAUTIFUL tonight!

  9. First reaction: Scared out of my wits end. Second reaction: sleepy.

  10. Was trying to sleep. Having a laptop allows me to check the forums more effectively in bed. This is a terrible thing... /dies.

  11. Guys. There's no legit way to get truthful proof. And stop talking sides based on what you hear. Neutral ftw?

  12. Is hitting the sack. Night all.

  13. Is hitting the sack. Night all.

  14. Is hitting the sack. Night all.

  15. Is hitting the sack. Night all.

  16. Quarians... Always amaze me with there culture and ways of life. Through Mass effect 1 and 3 I always do investagions to every Quarian and later I go to the Codex's and read the entire description. I honestly cant believe how many they truly are.

  17. I wonder what it'd be like to play as an orc.

  18. Feels like kidnappig a few Dryads.

  19. How are we all?

  20. How are we all?

  21. Getting really... really tired of so many crashes, can anyone explain why there happening?

  22. Watching Lord of The Rings for the first time, about time I guess.

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