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Status Replies posted by Viper3X

  1. Time to go play ME2

  2. Waiting for my App to be looked at :3

  3. Looks like mobdesguise might be updated.. now back to that very important RP! *grins evily*

  4. Where is the orcish language.

  5. Off work till monday! :3 Fun fun fun fun, looking forward to the weekend!

  6. LOTC HAS A BLOG? Am I late or what?

  7. Woooooo! Got accepted to the App Team :)

  8. Alright, it is decided. I am doing an Amnesia livestream sometime this week.

  9. ... Easy. Too easy.

  10. For all who are wondering (Probably none, but meh) I was temp banned from the forums for suggesting that some trolls get /nuke

  11. I miss posting :(

  12. New villain in the works. Be excited.

  13. ....Is furious. Just might commit animal cruelty. Tries to go to sleep, but overwhelming nauseating stench coming from under my bed encourages me to check, and find that my new puppy has deemed it prudent to choose under my bed as her new bathroom. After spending an hour scrubbing, cleaning, showering, and Febrezing...I can't go to sleep. I'm afraid I'll smell it again. I AM SO ANGRY. Don't break any forum rules today, anyone. Imma cruisin.

  14. ....Is furious. Just might commit animal cruelty. Tries to go to sleep, but overwhelming nauseating stench coming from under my bed encourages me to check, and find that my new puppy has deemed it prudent to choose under my bed as her new bathroom. After spending an hour scrubbing, cleaning, showering, and Febrezing...I can't go to sleep. I'm afraid I'll smell it again. I AM SO ANGRY. Don't break any forum rules today, anyone. Imma cruisin.

  15. I feel... Great, good night community =3

  16. Well, I'm off to bed, Goodnight

  17. TO ALL DRYADS: Please note. Dryads do not refer to themselves as Dryads. Ever.

  18. ** new main-page post !**

  19. I said hardcore modeling and 10 + hours is hardcore... no sleep for me. Here is the result (so far) : http://gyazo.com/e07a70b11b98dca3bcaf7bd88c2a9773

  20. Soon buying the full game then sending in my application

  21. Just in case no one has seen it yet, The Greatest LoTC Application known to Mankind. Enjoy. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/48041-ghonnereabag12-application/


  23. Gah, braces feel weird ._.

  24. Gah, braces feel weird ._.

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