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Gold VIP
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Status Replies posted by Viper3X

  1. Mondays - Super unmotivating, Getting up at 5am - Even more unmotivating, Writing maths test in first lesson - Ooooh really?! Kidding me?! Holding a speech in geography class without notes - Q_Q, Conclusion? Hooray, it's my birthday <__>

  2. how do i join the sever?

  3. We need a better vote banner :)

  4. how do i join the sever?

  5. For 10 minutes I couldn't get on the forums. I might never recover.

  6. Feel like yelling at everyone and punting babies more so than usual...

  7. - sigh - Need idea for a char that is not orc or dwarf

  8. Done the Solace "tour" video. Let's see how it turned out!

  9. If something happened IG the other day and was not LOTC legal, costly and i didnt take any screens....can i still report it to a GM/Admin or is it pointless?

  10. We are fast approaching a new record for members online.

  11. We are fast approaching a new record for members online.

  12. Dat feeling when your trying to help somebody but cant get a hold of them in game or on TS >

  13. I need a banner done for something un LoTC related. Would anyone be willing to help? PM me

  14. GTX 680's are in newegg's cataolgs =D

  15. GTX 680's are in newegg's cataolgs =D

  16. Yay! My rep went up 6 points! Only 48 more to go!

  17. Just accepted to the server! Thank you to all for all the help!

  18. T_T Ohmg. I'm just disappoint. Just disappoint.

  19. Remember, don't Update your Minecraft as Lord of the Craft's server hasn't updated at this time ~

  20. Alright, just going to say this now. The three most amazing applicants that I have accepted are *drumroll* Viper3X, for his amazing kindness and maturity. Pumpkin_eaters, for his amazing graphics and the way he has helped the community, and Sila, for the effort put into her app.

  21. Dryad time~

  22. Dryad time~

  23. Apologies for my inactivity as of late, some RL issues have come up. Should be back and active within a week.

  24. Oh gods, what was I doing? One second we were visiting the Druid Grotto, and the next thing you know, we're drunk, making out with one-another, and stripping nude...

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