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Status Replies posted by lemontide331

  1. Who would you say is the most notorious villain on LotC?

  2. Who would you say is the most notorious villain on LotC?

  3. Who would you say is the most notorious villain on LotC?

  4. All my VA refs in 7 mins, very efficient

  5. Is the Skravia vs Subudai video still up? I just remembered to watch it, after weeks.

  6. I am disapointed deeply in you staff.

  7. People saying that Mogroka was the -best- GM/Admin ever, he obviously wasn't if he got demoted. Just saying.

  8. People saying that Mogroka was the -best- GM/Admin ever, he obviously wasn't if he got demoted. Just saying.

  9. I am Jake Tyler Sullivan, AKA CreeperSlayer999, I was a Flay, and a magic user, adios world of Lotc, see you some other time (and before I leave I have to confess that I'm the one who sold out Flay and got them all singlehandedly banned)

  10. Disappointed.

  11. If I suddenly go inactive, I've killed myself, not doing this for attention, just thought someone should know

  12. Probaly going to take a break from LotC, a month maybe, or two.

  13. Lol, Mogroka is no longer admin. Looks like the server is going to crap.

  14. Lol, Mogroka is no longer admin. Looks like the server is going to crap.

  15. Why has Pheonixpro1 been banned? .__.

  16. Why has Pheonixpro1 been banned? .__.

  17. I need a professionals opinion on what my 75 skill credits should go to! I have 100 archery and 100 swords.

  18. Axe Mastery needs to be changed. Power strike is useless xD Damage the opponents weapon while wrestling can block and swords can counter and parry? Seems legit. Although criticals are nice people with axes die quickly so it's only useful for ambushing in wars...

  19. Men are the best cooks, because with two eggs, one sausage and a wittle bit of milk, they can fill a ladies' belleh for 9 months.

  20. Since the magic app, magic has been around less, anyone else notice that?

  21. Aaagh I just remember Im getting surgery on my wrist on friday! So much to do on LOTC so little time!!!

  22. That moment when Volutionals RP character is scary :C

  23. I'm not going to be making a leaving post because as long as I can access the forums I will never leave LoTC. On other notes: http://imgur.com/kH39p,zjZEo#0

  24. Varivik how'd you like your little gift we sent you? >:}

  25. YES YES YES my first wanted poster. I feel so great, right now that was my first goal on my list of villainy.

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