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Status Replies posted by lemontide331

  1. Ban for Xray... no ban report... what do I do?

  2. New Avatar, better then the last~

  3. Can someone tell me what this means?: "Error: 503 for URL: http://session.minecraft.net/game/joinserver"

  4. Is it me, or are Gobbo's amazing?

  5. So, what do you think of the upcoming patch 2.8?

  6. I need to remember to screenshot often, just got no-rp'd in Oren. Lovely..

  7. I need to remember to screenshot often, just got no-rp'd in Oren. Lovely..

  8. Talks to friends on ts, one goes afk rest go prank her then sees Strike report -then laughs- Noobs..

  9. So, what would you like to see removed from LOTC?

  10. I like my new avatar. :3

  11. Is it cybering to emote groping your bosoms?

  12. [03:14:52] shiftnative: shiftnative front flips out of a giant tree and lands onto the back of a war elephant that carries him into the sunset.

  13. Just got someone permabanned. V.V Oh well.

  14. Those who performed poor RP skills at that event, step up your game. It was highly unenjoyable because of such.


  16. +_+ | Hes watching, HES ALWAYS watching!

  17. What does 100 in Archery do? Anyone know?

  18. What do you think is LOTCs best feature?

  19. What do you think is LOTCs best feature?

  20. All orcs that died during that battle... you should know we cut off your skins. To make fun RP you should remove the skin from your skin for we are using your skin for carpets :3

  21. I see the rumour mill is nicely greased up. No, there is not going to be a bleeding system. Well done for blowing it massively out of proportion - same usual suspects as well.

  22. Im aliiiiiiive!!

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