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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by lev

  1. I'm excited for 3.0's nearing release, are you?

  2. I had a...strange experience today .-.

  3. Bai bai pope. Bai bai.

  4. In three days I'll be 14... THERE SHALL BE CAKE A PLENTY!

  5. Been doing photography coursework all day ;_;


  7. Close you eyes, relax your mind, now empty your mind of everything! Type a name of an admin on the keyboard. What was the name of the admin you typed?

  8. Round two: Who's intresting in playing tekkit with me on a faction server? not crowded.

  9. Thinking of ideas for a guild freaking sucks... And it's hard >_

  10. Those in high-school take nothing seriously because they are distracted by the sudden amount of halfway-attractive females, even if it hurts your "LotC time" :3 [P.S.: Yes Gaius, I love you, man.]

  11. So, what do you feel LOTC is missing?

  12. I need to read a book for my English 11 class. I've whittled the list down to three choices. Help me decide! Fahrenheit-451, Catch-22, or To Kill a Mockingbird. I've read all three already but I'd like to reread one.

  13. Coloured armour. Me gusta

  14. Tonight, on par with order 60-Lym, Lightsaber wielding Spartans will take over the world.

  15. The one thing you NEVER want to do when trying to get to sleep: Open the forums.

  16. *rubs eyes* You guys keep me busy... I spend a lot more time on the forums than on the server now >_>

  17. VAT is going to the Olympics in Spartan skins, screaming Ahoo!

  18. Im going away on holiday to Brussels tomorrow for a week! :D Unfortunately this means I won't be online for a week, so goodbye and see ya'll in a week! Byeeee

  19. Im going away on holiday to Brussels tomorrow for a week! :D Unfortunately this means I won't be online for a week, so goodbye and see ya'll in a week! Byeeee

  20. Huge well done to everyone with their GCSE's

  21. It says my gender on my profile guys... Check if you're unsure >_

  22. Just approved the Dwarven Mortar. What have I done!?

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