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Everything posted by Varsatorul

  1. Spigot 1.8 :_:

    1. knightly11 | lotc_fox
    2. pfmvaz1996


      it's been out for a long time...

    3. Varsatorul


      And then why isn't it on Lotc? Hmm? HMM?! HMM?!?!?!?

  2. When will the server update to Spigot 1.8? ;_;

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Grouchy


      never, **** microsoft

    3. Silent™


      When 2.0 comes out, we will update to 1.8.

    4. Sebasgann


      As soon as the basic plugins are upgraded to 1.8, since Microsoft bought MC and took down bukkit, but Sponge released it's first stable version so the coders should start working on updating their own custom plugins to 1.8 (Though I doubt they are)

  3. Does Aether VIP come with a kingdom too?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Varsatorul


      It was supposed to be snide. I still don't know what to believe about the incident.

    3. Heff


      It is known?

    4. dank


      It is known.

  4. I can't tell if this post is mocking the factions based on different orders or military groups from history or if it's serious. Also "nights" are when the Sun goes to hide and the Moon comes out to play. I hope you find some people to hangout with and have fun together! :D
  5. Song of the day:

    1. Samoblivion


      Now that's a proper sea shanty.

  6. Song of the day:

  7. Song of the day:

  8. Do people really dig out the castle walls? Great guide though!
  9. Nice guide, I didn't know bows could also be roleplayed as crowsbows.
  10. From what I saw so far on the forums 8.5/10 . :unsure:
  11. I usually use FRAPS to take screenshots it's faster and easier, in my opinion. B) Also I use Imgur too it's the best.
  12. I have been accepted! Now it's time to read and understand the lore of the world. I'm marchin' on to the gates of the Wiki!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Trouvo


      nice app btw

    3. everblue2er101


      o.O His app is amazing.

    4. Varsatorul


      I read some lore first then I did the application.

      Now I'm reading all of it and the worlds history.


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