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Status Replies posted by Ventusyr

  1. Quest: Find the Clerics Entirely IG and IC. Difficulty: Much harder than I expected.

  2. Is it possible to learn Monk magic and another subtype? If one began learning, say Cleric magic, would they lose their monk powers?

  3. Does voting give minas anymore? Every time I vote, no fifty minas magically appear...

  4. Redstone eyes are too frightening :( Friendly heshy scares all the little kids now...

  5. Kidnapped by orcs and given a redstone eye, helped clean up after a bandit attack on an inn... #good day

  6. I have absolutely nothing to do with the zombie horde right outside the Delver ruins. Absolutely nothing.s

  7. Is priest healing learned? Like, do you need to be taught it? Or can you be a devote follower of some patron or diety and learn it that way? (of course not a diety like Setherien)

  8. Magic is now like Swordsmanship and Archery. You're expected to learn it but a majority will not, and do not have to unless it's a restricted magic. I'm not saying this is bad or good, but people don't get that this is what it is.

  9. Anyone know what i need to Self Teach Holy (Priest magic) or anyone willing to teach? curious more or less so i can start getting materials.

  10. You know, I considered a few days ago. Tiredly. The only reason why LOTC is such a great place is this; Our shared history. No matter what, LOTC comes out on top with that. goodnite guise, ilu

  11. There are more stars in our galaxy than there are atoms in the universe

    1. Ventusyr


      ^^ Hateful but watevs. You need to get you sciences straight!

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  12. If I use a blunt weapon in rp, can I use a sword in pvp?

  13. If I use a blunt weapon in rp, can I use a sword in pvp?

  14. What do I do when RP is boring?

  15. Announcement: all players whitelisted BEFORE October 2011 are unwhitelisted and need to re-apply using our new format to meet standards. /dewhitelist -all[preOCT11] command entered. (y)

  16. Has LOTC changed since I was gone?

  17. What are all racial blessings and curses again?

  18. Hey guys, lets all jump on the next bandwagon. Because that worked with perming everything, making rp default, getting rid of the Undead, and promoting nation conflict! Yay!

    1. Ventusyr


      I agree with creativity, but PVP allows OOC-complaint-situations to be diffused quickly, which is nice...

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  19. Hey guys, lets all jump on the next bandwagon. Because that worked with perming everything, making rp default, getting rid of the Undead, and promoting nation conflict! Yay!

  20. So much complaining... Lets just move to 4.0 and go all out fantasy, less GoT~

  21. We need MPM serverside. Unless it already is...

  22. tfw a character that is COMPLETELY ripping off from pop culture, name and everything, is accepted.

  23. tfw a character that is COMPLETELY ripping off from pop culture, name and everything, is accepted.

  24. Hey, just impatient curiosity... How is the professions plugin? :3 Very excited and just wondering when it will be here.

  25. speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5:19-20 NIV

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