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Status Replies posted by Eetswa

  1. Menarra vs TDFootball, is everyone hyped for cyberbowl?

  2. GTAV storyline is solid as ****

  3. GTAV storyline is solid as ****

  4. How do you farm reps..

  5. I gtg guys, see ya all tommorow. Join my crew and ride on the land boat so we may kill the donorien sith lords!

  6. I gtg guys, see ya all tommorow. Join my crew and ride on the land boat so we may kill the donorien sith lords!

  7. You are all lovely people and I'm glad I get to spend time with you all.

  8. i am not a HERO, i am a bad hero

  9. i dare you to press paste for whatever link you just had on to the reply.

  10. absolutely haram...

  11. i go to play swtor and come back to this ****, okay then

  12. wait so is the entire orenian nation, and every orc on the server, supposed to get a VA?

    1. Eetswa



    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  13. And I get home to see my boyfriend posting on my account... Really... #annoyed

    1. Eetswa


      *Garrett leans back and tells Pondt's sister about the US forces whilst trying to look cool at the same time he adds in one of those weird little spazm's he gets a lot

    2. (See 99 other replies to this status update)

  14. And I get home to see my boyfriend posting on my account... Really... #annoyed

    1. Eetswa


      *Garrett makes a surprising return! He is riding on a three-wheeled trike motorcycle, he's armed with an uzi and what appears to be Pondt's sister riding shotgun behind him as he gains rapidly on the speeding car

    2. (See 99 other replies to this status update)

  15. And I get home to see my boyfriend posting on my account... Really... #annoyed

    1. Eetswa


      *As the car lurches, our lord and saviour Peter Christ is thrown from the top of the car! He screams "THE BEDS, THE BEDS ARE BURNING!"

    2. (See 99 other replies to this status update)

  16. And I get home to see my boyfriend posting on my account... Really... #annoyed

    1. Eetswa


      *Garrett smirks quite jewishly as he rides along "We need to save the environment and the abo's!"

    2. (See 99 other replies to this status update)

  17. And I get home to see my boyfriend posting on my account... Really... #annoyed

    1. Eetswa


      *Garrett in his meth addled state manages to catch the car muttering "YOU TOO ARE A RAPER!" under his breath as he catches the car, latching onto the roof and declaring "YOU'RE ALL BONKERS!"

    2. (See 99 other replies to this status update)

  18. And I get home to see my boyfriend posting on my account... Really... #annoyed

    1. Eetswa


      Garrett continues to bellow his warcry as he raises his hands in recognition to Allah, it should be noted that Peter is barefoot and is walking die hard style over broken glass and **** "

      Sing me songs of no denying

      Seems to me too many trying

      Waiting for the next big thing"

    2. (See 99 other replies to this status update)

  19. And I get home to see my boyfriend posting on my account... Really... #annoyed

    1. Eetswa


      *Peter's pupils are larger than his iris' due to the enormous amounts of amphetamines in his blood system. He appears to be having a seizure as he dances his way over towards the sound of the voice "HOW CAN WE DANCE WHILE THE EARTH KEEPS TURNING?"

    2. (See 99 other replies to this status update)

  20. And I get home to see my boyfriend posting on my account... Really... #annoyed

    1. Eetswa


      *Peter begins to take what looks like a balisong butterfly knife from his ass cheeks, flicking it around and being absolutely bonkers he begins his battle cry "HOW CAN WE SLEEP WHILE OUR BEDS ARE BURNING?"

    2. (See 99 other replies to this status update)

  21. And I get home to see my boyfriend posting on my account... Really... #annoyed

    1. Eetswa


      *Peter Garrett dances onto the scene, his tight leather jacket and lycra pants leave naught to the imagination. His amphetamine and coke high is still going strong so he is not fully registering the carnage that lays before him before he begins to grunt "The time has come..."

    2. (See 99 other replies to this status update)

  22. tyth.us/me-somedays/

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