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  1. Do Elven towns have mayors or some other kind of leader?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Birdwhisperer


      New Malinor is the capital, run by the High Council. Leanniel, the wood elf settlement, is run by a council of three called Luminaries. No idea what Darkhaven does. And then there's the Conclave, the new/rebel city who is doing their own thing too.

    3. Birdwhisperer


      The high elves have a 'Sohaer' which is their leader, and then a council of three, but I don't know if they still have a government anymore.

    4. Samler


      The high elves 'had' a Sohear, you also forgot to point out we are perfect, the master race and better! <3 Jokes, currently, we got nothing up and running.

  2. I've been on this server less and less.... I don't know if I'll be roleplaying here anymore for a while. It doesn't help that I've "busy" with a project. I just wanted to post this; it isn't like many people here know me....

    1. Kaiser


      Who needs to know you? We are a community and we love each other. If you have your hands full, take a break and come back later, we will welcome you back with open arms :D

  3. I'm a bit afraid my character is a sue.... :-/

    1. CeLiKuS27


      Or a Stu, more accurately.

    2. Praetor


      Chars can always change in time. ^^

    3. CeLiKuS27


      I'm trying to add more flaws and get rid of those pesky extra skills. :p

  4. When I go to a singleplayer world, my character doesn't have the Steve skin, so then I can go on the server without looking like Steve (to myself, at least).

  5. I only ever get around to writing when it's really late, it seems. Also, when I wanted to type "He did this," I began it with a *. "Why did I type a star?" I thought, erasing it.

    1. CeLiKuS27


      Technically, it's now "really early."

  6. Anybody else here excited for Starbound?

  7. Corrupt government is corrupt. And life is weird. Very, very weird. And English is dumb. That's all I have to say.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Box of Rain

      Box of Rain

      Our species does not have the ability to properly govern its self, nor has it yet to comprehend the concept of self-awareness. English is a broken language.

      TL;DR: I agree, sir.

    3. CeLiKuS27


      Also, Imperial is a messed-up measurement system. I always try to use Metric. Also, Fahrenheit is weird.

    4. CeLiKuS27


      Crud. I always overuse "also."

  8. Are there any rules about the content in avatars? Because some admins and app team members have had...ones with bad-ish stuff.

    1. Space


      Keep it PG-13. Poking a boob with a pen isn't that 'BAD'

    2. CeLiKuS27


      Look at the posts this person has made: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/user/18700-mogroka/ and tell me if that avatar isn't bad.

    3. Neri


      It's... borderline risque. If you don't like it, talk to Mog about it.

  9. Dang, I need to stop hunting monsters. It's been the cause of many of my ragequits.

  10. Has Hawk's Modpack ever been found to have any sort of virus on it? Because Notch said mods have full control over your computer and to only use mods from those you trust.

    1. bungo


      Not that I know of. I use it and I'm fine.

  11. Wait, I'm actually not sure if ACTA's been passed. But it seems Obama signed it.

  12. I just discovered ACTA's been passed. Crud.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. JoakimVonAnka


      Mhm, almost all countries signed it (I think)

    3. KoTo




    4. Aren Whitestorm

      Aren Whitestorm

      Are you suuuuuuure?

      Damn it....

  13. Why does it seem like everyone's leaving? O_o

  14. Should I post parts of "Book Thing II" (my book thing :P) here before it's finished? Would any want to read it? Would any even find it?

  15. Arg, archery perks are broken again.

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