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Status Updates posted by Twiddlepop

  1. Skippy, you inspired me to get a unique avatar. Thank you~

  2. Slap people with it. I am a banana slapper.

  3. So I cross a bridge to be greeted by six skeletons and a zombie, running at me at top speed. Proceed to jump out of my skin and run away o_e

    1. Glasiconas


      Thats rude, maybe they just wanted to welcome you to the neighbourhood? We'll never know now. D:

    2. Twiddlepop


      I logged off, came back and they're still there :c

    3. MrSyth


      Logging off (using game mechanics) to fele from mobs is against the rules. *ban report.

  4. So I seem to like LoL.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sir Kibble (KingSir)

      Sir Kibble (KingSir)

      Lol? Another acronym for Laugh out Loud or Lots of Love...? What's the new one...?

    3. CloakandDagger


      League of Legends

    4. Lym


      R.I.O.T. = Reducing Irelia Over Time

  5. So I've got another cat gif lined up for my avatar...

    1. Antharin


      Hope you got a warehouse full of those gifs, cause you gonna change them a lot!

    2. Twiddlepop


      I swear my gif folder has about 100 kitteh gifs

  6. So many people with their App Team Apps still pending... *crosses fingers for everyone*

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. EmeraldStag


      <_> I am still unsure about mine, danny had me add him on skype but that was all his comment on my app was about o_o and YOU THU'UM, you really are pushing for me to to be accecpted @_@"" which I am thankful for. I would have never asked for you to go that far to have me apart of the App Team.

    3. Kaiser



      its just the AT not Admin seat :P

    4. Twiddlepop


      ^ It depends how much it means to a person to get the posistion

  7. Some people are only thinking about themselves on this server, where we should be thinking as a community. Some people's behaviour was and is disgraceful; look what's happened now.

  8. Sport + Rain = Choruses of 'IT'S RAINING MEN!'

  9. Standing in as Daimyo of the Fukuhara~

  10. STOP SPAMMING MY PROFILE BRO. Message spam me if you need to fulfill a need :3

  11. Thank you everyone for contributing to my thread, it's an issue I follow quite strongly and I'm glad to have heard everyone's opinions.

  12. Thank you to the staff; The work you put in is amazing.

  13. That's enough for the next two years, LOTC. Let's heal and make things better now.

  14. The support I'm getting for my vocal chords is incredible! Thank you everyone, it's really overwhelming ~

    1. Austin


      can i eat them

    2. LeRenardNoir


      It's well deserved, good work!

  15. The Vote button is good because it is /so/ much quicker to vote!

  16. This song is truly beautiful


  18. To Herp or to Derp, that is the question

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheRoyalOnion(Aris)


      Der Herplenstein Please have proper grammer XD

    3. Twiddlepop
    4. Briamoth


      I'll Herp while you Derp and together we'll be Herp-Derp, the Derpiest Derps of Derpania in the Realm of Derpthos.

  19. Trolol :D I went through a few minutes ago and deleted a crap-ton of notifications >:)

  20. Volleyball, how I love thee.

  21. Volunteered for the Olympiad!~

  22. Want to visit Glenwood but I have no RP excuse to ;_;

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