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Everything posted by Jchizz

  1. Can someone support a VA if they've done extensive forum roleplay with the applicant? :P

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. EmeraldStag
    3. Jchizz


      Psst. Uh. How do you edit the title of a topic? >.>

    4. EmeraldStag


      Go to the main post and choose Edit, I think, then you should be able to find it.

  2. VA is up. If anyone out there has had enjoyable RP with me before, it'd be great if you'd fill out the reference form!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jchizz


      Yes, Stag, I am. I just need to find the motivation xD

    3. EmeraldStag


      Motivation: Saving lives, and taking names XD

    4. Jchizz


      Motivation: Not bleeding to death. Everblue! I need Clark!

  3. It's crazy... how what we have here manages to bring together people from all walks of life. Sure, some personality traits are more prevalent than others, but I've yet to think of a type of person not represented in this community. Bravo, LOTC, bravo.

    1. shiftnative


      Aye - from so many different countries too! 'tis lovely

  4. EDIT: Totes just got ninja'd. 7.5/10. Sup mayne.
  5. How do you ~really~ play Deadspace? Have one person take the left side of the controller, one person take the right side of the controller, and have the person who's scared of horror games and has never played more than five minutes of deadspace 1 or 2 be the brain and tell the other two what to do/swear and yell at the other two in fear (the last one was me.)

    1. JCQuiinn


      You, sir, are an awesome individual. I plan to try that now.

    2. JCQuiinn


      You, sir, are an awesome individual. I plan to try that now.

    3. Jchizz


      "holy sh-kill it!!" "Zoom in!" "i'm trying" "back up back up!!!" "DO SOMETHING!!!!"

  6. .... 1/10.... :( never seen you before. Sorry bro.
  7. Once again, I can't find any good RP... anyone wanna help me out? :/

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Jchizz


      It's still hunting rp. Conflict rp. It's always about either gaining power or making conflict, I've found. It's like those are every character's ambitions on the server.

    3. Alex_Pan


      If you think everyone is after power, get out of Arethor. Go find halflings, or join the Nawari, or become a writer or librarian, or become an underling of one of those guys trying to get power.

    4. Jchizz


      Well, I am an underling. But, I enjoy my character, and his personality... mostly because, well, he's so average. Like a guy you'd find on the street. I don't want to just dump him.

      I don't even know who the Nawari are.

  8. Hey! The Zombie RP thread is going again, and at a slower rate. Feel free to bring Nolan back, I kept him along in the group :)

  9. Wub so hard mother f*ckers want to find me.

    1. Pnoynoy


      You should consider to extend your vocabulary a bit.

    2. DrakeHaze


      But I have all my brothers waiting 'ere behind me.

  10. No LOTC, I am many things, but I am not and never will be a hipster. I will not allow you to force that upon me >:O

  11. 3/10 Never seen you before, but you're an Old Hat.
  12. I can't figure out how to install it. I tried doing the same thing I did for the overall mod (extracting the rar files in my appdata folder) but that doesn't seem to be working.
  13. still saying i have 1.61... :/
  14. I have 1.61. ... I need 1.61.94795 or w/e... where can I get the newest version?
  15. way to be Vaq :D

  16. Jchizz

    Nice Server

    jimmies is a racist term >.>
  17. To kill off my character, or to not kill of my character...

    1. Bawg


      That is the question.

    2. Bawg


      That is the question.

    3. Lion


      Nuuuuu Trevor must stay.. unless you really want to kill him >.>

  18. way to go vaq :D

  19. Okay, so, to get DayZ, I'd need to pay something like 24 dollars. I'm worried that what'll happen is I'll get in, play for five minutes, get killed by a zombie or fellow player, and have this repeat over and over again, without finding any allies. That would kind of suck, and be a waste of 24 bucks >.> Anyone have any thoughts as to whether I should or not? Should I find someone else to run with before I join?
  20. Why does DayZ have to cost so much... T_T

    1. Kaiser


      people need to be paid :P

  21. Anyone know where the hall of healers is? :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jchizz


      That's too public for trevor >.>

    3. Nimshae Annamea Najade

      Nimshae Annamea Najade

      Hey there honey, it's not open yet, that post is not finsihed. Lots of OOC to go on and some more IC. This is an event RP stage that has just been built. When it's ready we will have a link up from the cloud temple directly to the Island of Terria Ama where the Healer Hall is situated.

    4. Jchizz


      Ah alright. In that case, ignore my pm until it's open >.>

  22. As my quest to find the Hall of Healing drags on to it's second hour...

  23. 6/10 Never see you ig, but your signature is just so recognizable... :D
  24. "I'm no doctor. I'm only good for bandages and sex!" -Trevor Wyles

    1. gingernut97


      "Banana Hammock!" -JD

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