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Everything posted by Jchizz

  1. Alright. A more productive and useful way to spend my evening. Ladies and gentleman, I am officially opening myself up to you and your troubles. Shoot me a PM - vent to me, ask me for advice or help, or even just tell me about your problems and what you want to do to fix it. Really, anything you want. I'm here ^^

  2. 7/10 See you around some IG and on the forums, but not everywhere.
  3. So... my evening has been reduced to serenading random people on Omegle, singing them Listen to Your Heart... I got over 10 positive reactions, so I guess that's a win though :D

  4. Citizens of Asulon, I require your assistance! ............................................................................. I, am hungry! What shall I eat this evening to satisfy my famished self?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      Drizzled with cranberry dung

    3. Aryon


      Chicken Schnitzel. ( Had it for dinner last night, was amazing : )

    4. Jchizz


      Thank you Aryon. The rest of you... I'm disappointed.

  5. Where's all this "Stop Murdering Dark Elves" Stuff coming from?

  6. What does one do when the girl has allergies? Give her the Claritin D.

  7. Get yo butt back here, the zombie group's back in business! ^^

  8. #CoastercamForVoiceOfLOTC2012

  9. Is there a place where we can find all the new crafting recipes? I'm rather curious...

  10. Ladies, I'm about to reveal a secret that you all absolutely have to hear: ..................................................................... All guys secretly like Taylor Swift. 90%+ of guys who deny this are lying.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Roxforbraynz


      Did you know that 85% of statistics are made up on the spot?

    3. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      did you know 90% of rapes start in the shoulder

    4. Gladuos


      Did you know that I don't give a sh*t 100% of the time?

  11. I can officially say that we have taken it too far, guys. Bravo :D

    1. The Womping Wizard

      The Womping Wizard

      -Abandons thread, jumping into a lifeboat, floating off into the stormy sea of love.-

    2. CowsGoMoo


      We have created a monstrosity.

      We have tried to pretend to be a Relationship God.

      Instead, we have created a monster.

    3. gingernut97


      Now there should be an Agony Aunt thread.

  12. I swear to God I was supposed to get last post in OOC... you guys suck.

  13. So, I just realized... in the trailer for Halo 4, they use the old Assault Rifle sounds...

    1. Nononymous


      *double Halo 4 status update. . . commence le high five*

    2. Jchizz


      *high fives!*

  14. Back in Zombie RP... Let's cap some zed :D

  15. Someone revoke my VA... before I got it, Trevor stole more peoples' virginity than I can count.

    1. Raptorious
    2. maxkenny23


      *stupid lackey noises* OOOOOHHHHHHH! OH! OH!

    3. K00l
  16. This guy is officially going to college. Thanks for the dough, Tulane :D

  17. So... Gronk is out for somewhere between 4 weeks and the season... damnit.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lynesse {Celia/Jazzy}

      Lynesse {Celia/Jazzy}


    3. Jchizz


      Patriots, Ravens, Saints, KC (Respect to Cassel for keeping the Pats alive when Brady got hurt)

    4. Jchizz


      And the Lions. And Andrew Luck and RG3.

  18. Just thought I'd let you know that I absolutely died laughing from your new signature. Very, very good job.

  19. I've determined that one of Trevor's theme songs is Sexual Healing.

  20. How are there like 40 people on the server...

  21. Anyone else having trouble logging in?

    1. Misery's Host

      Misery's Host

      Yea, its taking too long.

    2. The Victor Blair Project

      The Victor Blair Project

      Yeah does anyone know what's up?

    3. everblue2er101


      MC.net servers are down.

  22. Application! OOC- -MC name*: Jchizz -Do you have a VA, and if no are you willing to make one?*: Yep. Here's the link: Trevor Wyles' VA for 1a/b, 2a, and 4a/b. -Do you promise to obey to the OOC rules?*: Yes. -Do you have Skype? ((For communications sake))*: Yep. Skype name is jchizz (simple, right?). IC- Trevor's application is neatly written on ink and parchment of average quality. His answers are short and concise, though by no means does the document appear to have been written hastily. -RP name: Trevor Wyles -What do you wish to join as, why?: I would be joining as a haze. It's where my skills would be most beneficial. -What can you bring to the Frozen Thorns, what are you skilled in?: I've got a silver tongue, in every sense of the phrase. I'm quick and quiet on my feet, and I'm adept with all sorts of light and medium weaponry, capable of combat from any range. Plus... I've got a pretty innocent face. -Race and Sex: Male, mostly human. -Do you swear to follow the rules of the Frozen Thorns? Refusing to do so will amount in your death.: I wouldn't apply if I didn't plan on it. -Do you have any previous or current loyalties?: *the beginning of a sentence has been thoroughly crossed out here* Let's discuss that in person. Situational RP Question ((Choose the one appropriate to the Rank you wish for.)) Haze--- You are ordered to go to a certain Arethor noble and get the money he owes you for weapons by any means you deem necessary. It was the dead of night. Trevor quietly picks the lock to the back door of the manor. It amazed him that nobility thought that having multiple entrances to their homes was impressive... to him, it was just stupid. After twice failing, Trevor finally here the satisfying click, and slowly slides the door open. The manor's layout was simple and typical, and Trevor quickly found his way to the noble's bedroom. He and his wife slept soundly. "Good," Trevor thought. "This'll go off without'a hitch." Trevor spotted the chest against one of the side walls, a few yards away from the bed, and quietly moved to it and knelt down in front of the lock, going for his picks. The first two attempts failed, and as Trevor brought his third and final pick towards the lock, he heard something creak behind him. He turned, only to see the noble man awake, on his side, staring at Trevor with wide eyes, his jaw dropped open. Trevor froze, his eyes widening as he thought what to do. Then, suddenly, he turned, stood, and drew both his swords in one fluid motion, waking the wife as he pointed them at the couple. He looked at the nobleman from under his hood and spoke quietly. "I believe ya owe us some money. Do not speak. Do not resist. I could kill ya right here, right now. Neither'a ya would remember'a thing, and I could take what I came for and get off without'a hitch. By th'time someone found ya, I'd be long gone... so get th'money, and I'll be on my way." The wife's gaze shifted between Trevor and her husband in confusion. The nobleman opened his mouth, hesitated, closed it, and nodded, getting up slowly and moving towards the chest. He grabbed the key from behind it. "... Damnit," Trevor thought. "Figures." The man opened the chest, slowly drew a sack of minas, and placed it at Trevor's feet, Trevor pointing the swords at both him and the woman all the while. Trevor sheathed one and lowered the other just as his arms started to tire and shake, picking up the sack and turning down the stairs quickly. He heard a shout from the bedroom as he bolted out the back door, but it didn't matter. He'd be long gone by the time the nearest guard arrived.
  23. Long day. Someone tell me something inspiring or funny or entertaining! Come on guys, I know one of you must have something!

    1. maxkenny23


      My cat knocked a glass of water on my girlfriend's computer.

    2. Geo


      You're an RP god.

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