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Everything posted by Jchizz

  1. 3/10. I've seen you before on the forums... somewhere... Sorry ^^'
  2. Dat shameless advertising. Feel free to support, I could always use more references! ^^ http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/74549-unread-trevor-wyles-first-mini-va-33-references/

  3. They can serve as red lights to a lot of players who fear a ban report may be coming their way next.

  4. For all those out there who still believe that all popular rap/hip-hop is hateful and displays a lack of talent: Same Love by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis

  5. Every time I try to log into LOTC, it says minecraft has crashed. Any help anyone?

    1. everblue2er101


      Not just you, it's serverwide. Gotta wait it out.

    2. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity


    3. Jchizz


      Alright just making sure, thanks.

  6. Can someone give me the exact url for the personal messenger? I can't get to it normally from my phone...

  7. Listening to Mambo Number 5 and just saw a cute comic online... who's letting homework get them down? I'm feeling pretty good.

    1. aron.


      A little bit of monica in the sun.

    2. Jchizz


      A little bit of Mary, all night long!

  8. If anyone's willing to put a masquerade mask on one of my skins, PM me please! ^^

  9. They're making more star wars movies... they're gonna ruin it! T_T

  10. aaaaaaaand, now I feel like a jerk.

  11. Bucket list number 16: Dance in a hurricane to one rock song, one rap song, one techno song, and "It's Raining Men" with at least one other person. Check.

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      Whoa... That is pretty badassed o-o

  12. LOTC down? Party in the hurricane!!!

    1. Braxis
    2. Shadeleaf


      *goes outside and gets

      hit with a sharpened fence post

      hurled by the wind.

    3. ek_knight


      * Drips slightly as she wonders why she ecieded the mail was so important.*

  13. I smell a Scyllan/Frost Thorn turf war coming...

    1. Watyll


      Frozen Thorns silly :P

  14. Story of Trevor's life: Tries to save the day, gets eaten by Frost Witches. His final words? Flirtations.

  15. Forward Unto Dawn... O.o

    1. Twiddlepop


      I stalked you and found this status. You get the Twiddlepop seal of approval. (Y)

  16. Finally an Eagle Scout. Word.

    1. Shadeleaf
    2. CowsGoMoo


      Good job!

      Must've taken quite some dedication and time, eh?

      I quit Boyscouts in the first two years. Didn't even make it to First Class...

      I am really un-dedicated, but I guess it was quite fun while it lasted.

    3. Shadeleaf


      Forced to quit after a "incident"

      with cake and the flag, I

      swear I was just standing there

      and then BOOM the flag was

      on the ground slathered with

      cake, I AM INNOCENT!

      (and no longer concerned

      with badges...)

  17. Who in England is going to see my boys the Patriots whoop the Rams in American football this weekend in London?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Blundermore


      Pfft... American

      football is just

      bastardized Rugby. I'd


      like to see us play

      them at Rugby

    3. Wizard


      Haha, good to see the Brits appreciating American Football!

    4. Garret Baretta (preston19)
  18. Dawg just sayin', you got exactly 4000 posts atm. Way to be.

  19. Where did this "lockdown" thing come from? Was it made in a server announcement or somewhere on the forums?

  20. So I'm listening to my ipod on shuffle over the speakers in my room... and I've got some pretty sick music (I Just Had Sex, Baby Got Back, Get Low, How Low)

  21. Just throwing it out there, the server's back up... so... come finish Gem's life story ^^

  22. And, it's back!

  23. Oh come on server... major bummer...

  24. :D I'm glad that someone else found it funny! And I'm also glad to have met another player! Woo, icebreakers! ^^

  25. ~*~IC~*~ Name: Trevor will due. Skills: Silver tongue, quick hands, quiet feet, and a sharp blade. Previous loyalties and experience: Oren Noble House Basileus, Oren Noble House Silverblade, multiple "quieter" organizations. Anything else?: Not one for formalities. ~*~OOC~*~ IGN: Jchizz Skype: jchizz Does your character have a VA or are you willing to write one?: He does indeed have a VA. Do you understand that we are a mature and exclusive villain group and that although we are mercenaries, we put strong roleplay ahead of items. Failing to provide strong roleplay or inappropriate conduct which includes breaking of the rules and excessive trolling will mean that you will be removed from our guild:I do.
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