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Jake the Dog

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Status Updates posted by Jake the Dog

  1. Is repairing stuff on a iron block broken now?

    1. JacquesMontagne


      Yup, I wasted about 20 iron figuring that out

  2. Let us kill wild animals please. It

  3. Make voidal weakness depending on how much magic you have, not all or nothing. Stops people from having to go full 5 man magic

  4. mpm is back for 1.14.4, put that **** on the server, **** the lag we need the autism

  5. MPM is back kids, http://www.kodevelopment.nl/minecraft/moreplayermodels/downloads/


    And remember, every 2 percent is 1 inch, and 100% is 6'1

  6. No one expects the grapple over the wall


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ford


      looks v. good actually should do a birds eye view of it if possible

    3. Jake the Dog

      Jake the Dog

      Gimme a media team and dem pex and sure


    4. drfate786


      Too much wood, easily burnable. 

  7. Oh god I read the whole magic lore, it’s horrid. Talk about trying to kill it off.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sorcerio


      1 minute ago, Jake the Dog said:

      Can’t run without getting out of breath, can’t use a sword without insta breaking magic, can’t use magic if hands are full (rip 1 handed people), can’t wear ANY armour, all magic must be made obvious to everyone around you via glowing in easy to see places, can be hit or pushed to instantly cancel magic which then also forces headache. if you do 1 magic, your forced crippled, and so have to do all 5 magics or it’s pointless, magic lore will be nerfed which means, while you can’t kill people, people can very quickly insta kill you

      All of these problems can literally be solved from literally standing away from your opponent. Have the high ground, hide behind something as you cast. You don’t need to be having a one-on-one face-off in the middle of the square five feet from your enemy. 

    3. CanadianKiwiFlight


      1 minute ago, Jake the Dog said:

      - Valid Complaints -

      The void was never made to be a strong subtype of magic- there are ways to make voidal magic powerful but a mage should in theory get fucked by most knights if they’re thinking smart.

      In what scenario should a voidal mage be able to beat a smart knight? Should we allow the cancerous stealth casting? because that worked very well for mental magic. literally unblock able  and invisible spells.

      To get specific though, “Can’t run without getting out of breath“ This was already a thing to a lesser extent- if you’re out of shape you’re gunna be out of breath. “can’t use a sword without insta breaking magic“ this was also already a thing- if you’ve ever used a sword while casting you were powergaming. “can’t use magic if hands are full (rip 1 handed people)“ Once again you already couldn’t do this. Connection before was “you must entirely focus upon the casting of your magic.” You couldn’t even dodge realistically, people would just always powergame. “can’t wear ANY armour, “ Valid enough, but also I dont see this as an issue personally. “all magic must be made obvious to everyone around you via glowing in easy to see places“ once again already a thing. If you’re casting magic stealthfully you were powergaming “ can be hit or pushed to instantly cancel magic which then also forces headache.“ Yes, if someone punches you in the face- or pushes you normally with the old standards the general LT idea was you lose your cast. The SourDough connection lore was absolutely outdated. “ if you do 1 magic, your forced crippled, and so have to do all 5 magics or it’s pointless“ That was kinda the point yes, if someone goes to try and be a void mage they should do it to be committed to the RP.. not for a powerboost.

    4. E__V__O


      @Jake the Dog I agree if you specialize in 5 voidal magics you should be so crippled a single punch will concave your chest.

  8. Reset the forum, it looks poo

  9. So where my GM shops for the other professions, miner and lumberjack getting all the grind now. Where be my fishing or alchemy one?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lirinya


      Guess I'll forgive you, then.

    3. Jake the Dog

      Jake the Dog

      Iron gold and diamonds, plus all the crude stuff has a fixed price you can sell at. Caskets are pure rng, and most of the time you get a gold nugget and worthless shis like that.

    4. Jake the Dog

      Jake the Dog

      Welp make everything else rng and it's fair

  10. So which magic lore is accepted and what ain’t, this cluster of a forum makes navigation poo.

    1. squakhawk
    2. Jake the Dog

      Jake the Dog

      Which part though, the subforums, the posts all over? What about the guides lore stuff?

    3. AlphaMoist


      The overall posts in Implemented lore contains the lore that has been accepted. Every piece of lore that has a guide in https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/forum/1228-guides/ can be actively roleplayed. This includes evos and arcanism

  11. So, did they forget to add they nerf'd grapple hook to **** again in the latest patch? Cause they did, and they are worthless again.

  12. Someone stop haense nobles raiding with sedan please. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jake the Dog

      Jake the Dog

      Just get an gm to ban its mention in rp posts boys. ez fix

    3. Liv


      Just get good

    4. Jentos


      Truly, the hoes have been made unsoundly irated 

  13. Still waiting on mojang, damn idiots making my whole account locked out.


  14. Uploading my first minecraft Cinematic.... only going to take 1 hour and forty mins to upload a 18 second video. Hnnng the wait is real.

    1. Petals4013


      Ew, get good internet m8

    2. Jake the Dog

      Jake the Dog

      18 second video. 1.9gb. Annnnnnd **** internet


  15. We need some sort of list in game of regions and their current population online. I'm sick and tired of traveling to 6-7 cities in a row, to find each one deserted despite so many people being 'online.' How are there 90 people online if most of the major hubs and capitals are empty.

    1. basit7270


      A sport is some thing that human beings do for a laugh. It's miles one-of-a-kind from work. In many video games, humans play in opposition to other people.

      There are exclusive varieties of games. As an example, in video <a href="http://www.myitclub.net/">video games</a>, people regularly use controllers to govern what takes place on a display screen, along with a television displays. In board video games, players frequently flow portions on a flat floor known as a board. In card games, gamers use playing cards change source]
      Ludwig wittgenstein changed into possibly the first academic philosopher to deal with the definition of the word game. In his philosophical investigations, wittgenstein proven that the factors (elements) of games, inclusive of play, guidelines, and competition, all fail to properly outline what games are. He concluded that people practice the term recreation to a selection of various human sports that are most effective associated a bit bit.

      Roger caillois[change e-book les jeux et les hommes (<a href="http://www.pcgamefreetop.com/2017/06/detective-hayseed-hollywood-game-free.html">video games</a> and men),said that a recreation is an pastime that is this stuff:

      Fun: the hobby is fun to do
      Separate: the interest can not show up everywhere or , all the time
      Uncertain: the human beings doing the hobby do not know how it's going to stop
      Non-effective: doing the pastime does not make or do anything beneficial
      Ruled with the aid of rules: the hobby has guidelines which are specific from everyday lifestyles
      Fictitious: the human beings doing the pastime recognise that the game isn't always reality

  16. Why are nexus professions just not fun?

  17. Why can't I look at multiple recent posts. 

    1. Drumoldth


      Because they are updating it, i believe. Keep calm and be patient.

  18. Why do only one magic kids? If you do one, your instant perma crippled. Might as well glass canon min max into all five, Yaay for forcing roles on players! ten outta ten, would force all or nothing playstyles again

  19. Why does mech alchemy have to be the Anti Christ of enjoyment?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jake the Dog

      Jake the Dog

      That just makes it so the only way to get anywhere is to pay for exp transfer, or waste hours spent rp'in on sitting there. Doing nothing.

    3. Jake the Dog

      Jake the Dog

      Hrm well that is a good way to generate donations, make something so dull you have to pay to get past it.

    4. Kardel


      Bingo friendo

  20. Why is the persona name change a 5 hour cooldown, the only thing that limits is rp.

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