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Iron VIP
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Status Replies posted by Rhia

  1. * admires her new shiny green block. Thanks for the fun shifty

  2. So many people are leaving this server. It's so sad.

  3. When did being a classy lady become a bad thing? Hummmm. . . .

  4. When did being a classy lady become a bad thing? Hummmm. . . .

  5. You know, People say "You learn something new everyday" But, I sometimes think to myself, What new did I learn today, and I can't think of anything, so obviously nothing I learned today was worth knowing. So I didn't learn anything new today, therefore the saying is WRONG.

  6. Reason why I cannot connect to LoTC TS?

  7. -sips the lucky lady brew, if you know what I mean-

  8. -sips the lucky lady brew, if you know what I mean-

  9. Remember children, whenever something happens, it is always the Flay's fault.

  10. Anyone good with graphics or anyone can be recommended that is good with graphics? [i have PumpkinEaters and StealthninjaAP suggested already]

  11. Sorry I broke the server guys. DONT BLAME VAQ THIS TIME PLOX.

  12. " Clam down ". -Hiebe.

  13. Subtle trolling at it's finest. A tear was brought to my eye today. http://i.imgur.com/U1ivd.png , http://i.imgur.com/hYtxb.png

  14. Seems I can't relate to Mogroka that I am a busty chick to play his daughter, the Anti-Mog shields are activated and I can't get through :(

  15. LF A REAL Female to play Horen Family member

  16. My family: Danny: Mom Skippy: Annoying younger brother Uthor/Braxis: Dad Austin: Annoying middle child Me: Super cool older brother who is respected by his siblings

  17. I know what I have to do. I won't ever get her back, but I know how to make up for it. You die twice. Once when your physical shell gives out, and twice when your name is spoken for the last time.

  18. Anyone esle think a primate race in LOTC would be cool?

  19. Might be leaving for something else. Not sure yet but LotC your awesome

  20. UnBan Da Boys 2012

  21. I met another Female dwarf today! YAY!


  23. Searching up 'Aeries' on the forums because I like to know where I'm mentioned XD

  24. Ok, Posted on the "Show yourself thread"..... let the games begin!

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