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Iron VIP
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Status Replies posted by Rhia

  1. Everything was great... until the war nation attacked.

  2. Uuuugh first day o' school

  3. Hi! My name's Rhiannon and I hope I can make loads of friends!

  4. *women all across Asulon wept today, as news reached them of Aron's engagement*

  5. Dude. I had such a random dream. I was walking to the docks on lotc, I saw Robin Drake and followed him on this ship. Then things went IRL and everyone aboard went to some strange place. Robin and I walked to this mirror thing which reflected elder and younger versions of ourselves. It was a laugh.

  6. Is it wrong that I am pleased by petty things such as Rep and profile views. :/

  7. Knight in training alt. yay.

  8. This is just too cute to not share! http://imgur.com/N3gmR

  9. Happy Birthday Irene.. No idea who you are but yeah have a good one :D

  10. Happy Birthday Irene.. Still sick :(

  11. Happy-day Irene! Sadly, I don't have a card to give you...

  12. Happy B-day Irene...I have no idea who you are but yeah, HB.

  13. Gah! Money worriiiess.... wish I had the money to fix up Zeus and the truck, pay rent, afford food, internetz & cell phones ... I need to somehow win the lottery without paying for a ticket ...

  14. I've been away from LoTC for a month, and there's a ton of new stuff. Is there a page on the forums explaining the new skills and what they do, as well as the crafting of new items?

  15. * admires her new shiny green block. Thanks for the fun shifty

  16. Vaq mentioned me in the live stream :3

  17. And from this day forth, Hiebe is now Rhia's stalker.

  18. I joined Hiebe's TS before it was mainstream.

  19. Hanging out in TS .... alone

  20. Minecraft Olympiad Games information & voting for our champions will be posted later today !

  21. * admires her new shiny green block. Thanks for the fun shifty

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