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Status Replies posted by Rhia

  1. I like people who are completely different from their characters. Sign of a great RPer

  2. I like people who are completely different from their characters. Sign of a great RPer

  3. Just killed a GM, what have I done :O

  4. Use these usernames for extra votes, too: ryan203, BigFluffyBall, Cr57, gloc776, Storm_Eater.

  5. Redbaron got a new headset. He is crying that I did not make a post about him.... so this is what he gets.

  6. To quote Hiebe "Calm down everyone"

  7. Please, O Overlords Availer and Vaxquine, help us in our time of need.

  8. In less depressing/staff-filled news, sign up for the creative cafe. Or just come. I'll be singing, and maybe you can let out rage towards me by yelling at me to sing better. I dunno.

  9. You are my sweetest downfall; I loved you first, I loved you first. Beneath the sheets of paper lies my truth; I have to go, I have to go.

  10. Well I'm off on holiday for a week~ See you all then, try not to miss me too much.

  11. I'm confused now. If someone commits suicide IC is the character permakilled or no? I've seen Yes and No :/

  12. I'm confused now. If someone commits suicide IC is the character permakilled or no? I've seen Yes and No :/

  13. Not been able to test the map yet, gotta prepare for an exam. So, is it good?

  14. BUM BUM BUMMMMM soon!

  15. Why was Boxxy's thread deleted?

  16. Love you Native! Thank you!

  17. In my channel of introduction.... Don't know me? Come say Hi and change that

  18. In my channel of introduction.... Don't know me? Come say Hi and change that

  19. Wait, were all the backups on the same server? :/

  20. And so we meet again, mathematics homework...

  21. Its mah birthdayz!

  22. I think the TS channel right now shows the issues many people have with the server at the moment. All the Gms are in one channel, with only two other players in there, one of whom is Arkelos, who is always in Gm chats. The channel is locked. I mean, I understand if this is an important meeting, but it feels like EVERY day I jump on TS it looks like that. How can we know the Gms if they lock themselves away like that.

  23. I think the TS channel right now shows the issues many people have with the server at the moment. All the Gms are in one channel, with only two other players in there, one of whom is Arkelos, who is always in Gm chats. The channel is locked. I mean, I understand if this is an important meeting, but it feels like EVERY day I jump on TS it looks like that. How can we know the Gms if they lock themselves away like that.

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