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Iron VIP
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Status Replies posted by Rhia

  1. Is hawks mod ever getting updated?

  2. I think the TS channel right now shows the issues many people have with the server at the moment. All the Gms are in one channel, with only two other players in there, one of whom is Arkelos, who is always in Gm chats. The channel is locked. I mean, I understand if this is an important meeting, but it feels like EVERY day I jump on TS it looks like that. How can we know the Gms if they lock themselves away like that.

  3. I think the TS channel right now shows the issues many people have with the server at the moment. All the Gms are in one channel, with only two other players in there, one of whom is Arkelos, who is always in Gm chats. The channel is locked. I mean, I understand if this is an important meeting, but it feels like EVERY day I jump on TS it looks like that. How can we know the Gms if they lock themselves away like that.

  4. I think the TS channel right now shows the issues many people have with the server at the moment. All the Gms are in one channel, with only two other players in there, one of whom is Arkelos, who is always in Gm chats. The channel is locked. I mean, I understand if this is an important meeting, but it feels like EVERY day I jump on TS it looks like that. How can we know the Gms if they lock themselves away like that.

  5. I think the TS channel right now shows the issues many people have with the server at the moment. All the Gms are in one channel, with only two other players in there, one of whom is Arkelos, who is always in Gm chats. The channel is locked. I mean, I understand if this is an important meeting, but it feels like EVERY day I jump on TS it looks like that. How can we know the Gms if they lock themselves away like that.

  6. I think the TS channel right now shows the issues many people have with the server at the moment. All the Gms are in one channel, with only two other players in there, one of whom is Arkelos, who is always in Gm chats. The channel is locked. I mean, I understand if this is an important meeting, but it feels like EVERY day I jump on TS it looks like that. How can we know the Gms if they lock themselves away like that.

  7. So. I left the media team to pursue my hopes of becoming a youtube director. Ive spoken with a few partnership community's and lets hope I get the position. For anyone who cares or not. I don't know whats going to happen. We shall see how my schedule plays out for LotC

  8. I'm tired of seeing complaints regarding the recent promotions. We've made our decision. For anyone who may have complaints towards any of our decisions, PLEASE bring it up in a respectful, constructive way. No, it may not change the final decision, but we'll at least listen. Not all promotions in staff have been a good move in the past, but this, I can assure you, is a good move.

  9. Who is this new Rhia everybody's talking about.

  10. Before anyone continues to trash Rhia for being too new, ask yourselves this. What's wrong with some new blood in the mix? If someone isn't familiar with the old ways, maybe that'll help bring in some innovation. Give her a chance, and if she messes up, then you can rage. For now, just chill.

  11. Everyone should congratulate Dusk for getting Admin. :3

  12. Proof Rhia Lifts, dont mess with her. http://i.imgur.com/BCF4d.png

  13. Dusk is a Swaggernawwwwt

  14. Dusk is a Swaggernawwwwt

  15. Cheer me up someone?

  16. Hmm. Starbuck's Peppermint Mocha isn't as good as everyone made it out to be. I'm staring to think Starbucks is just expensive, cruddy coffee. :/

  17. Anyone interested in a League of Legends LoTC Skype Chat Group?

  18. I just watched Alien Abduction: the macPherson Tape. I dont care if its fake or real that ******* video has now genuinely terrified me to my very soul.

  19. PEWPEW! I am alive! :3

  20. Sometimes it hurts to be an American...... I'm the one in green....HALP. https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/580005_10150861111972221_375682913_n.jpg

  21. Gets sent skype virus... Owns mac...

  22. "Would you rather face an army of sheep led by a lion, or an army of lions led by a sheep?"

  23. What Liri said -.- Its just getting silly now =P

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