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Status Updates posted by YouKnowItsJuno

  1. Xiryks took my Lemongrab from me! HE'S MINE!

    1. The Cleaning Crew

      The Cleaning Crew

      gooms iz bettr gee em than xirks

    2. Gwonam_Blaze


      UNACCEPTABLE!!!!! LelSoOriginalMuchFunnySuchLemongrabeWow

  2. Happy New Year's, everyone!

    1. Lark


      Happy new years!

    2. osumanduas


      Heppy new year!

    1. H


      The Death Star was an inside job! I'm telling you, the rebel terrorist who blew it up is Darth Vader's son!

    2. Samoblivion


      It's all a Bothan conspiracy.

  3. Who does character portraits? I wish to get one of my librarian character! Hmu!

    1. KUSHerZombie


      hey i'll draw you a quick sketch of your librarian character for $1.02 sent via paypal!

    2. YouKnowItsJuno


      Haha! I'll pass, thanks

  4. Enough with the duck memes, Tsuyose is going to address the Cib/Gizzy thing soon, so clam down.

    1. TeaLulu


      but i'm pretty sure he didn't even cause it or was even involved


      where is telanir/tythus the actual offenders who are awful? and possibly 501 whom i bring up because he locked the announcement thread so I feel like he's party to it too

    2. Publius


      Trying to speak with authority isn't calming anyone down, it'd be wiser to be softer in the approach with people who are already furious and belligerent [!]

  5. 3rd time.... someone help! D:

  6. #RIPDavidWinter #RIP Crimson :'( Penelope will miss you both!

    1. hoodmaster906


      Penelope scares the **** OUTTA ME! And david can't save me now! AAAAAH!

  7. Idk what's going on around here, but

    hmu if you want someone to play a

    human female. I'll do my own skin and

    everything. :)

    1. Tsuyose


      yeah hmu on skype yayfunfunfun_6

  8. I forget if Gwyn knew Renee or Emelie... but hi from beyond the grave mate

    1. MunaZaldrizoti


      @YouKnowItsJuno Renee and Gwyn were the two who were friends. It is great to hear from you, I hope you might come back to us some time soon! ❤️

  9. New Dove Maiden Letter!

  10. Question for farmer proffessions: How/which hoes affect leveling/casket drops?

  11. A SECOND TIME, best party ever!!!

  12. Going to be gone Monday - Friday!

  13. When you go to the resource island, pick up a floating anvil, and give it to the invisible person fixing things there... O_O

  14. I am Helen, the battles men fight for me sparked the Trojan war!

  15. Is there any way that I can transfer my vip rank/perks over to my alt account and remove them from my main? I use my alt more than my main right now and I didn't realize the perks only work for one account

  16. #Justice4DourWatch

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