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Implementation Coordinator
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Status Updates posted by Kaiser

  1. We need to PM GMs in order to get fish now.... dafuq

  2. We need to PM GMs in order to get fish now.... dafuq

  3. We need to PM GMs in order to get fish now.... dafuq

  4. any good skin makers open for the moment?

    1. _SteelMemes_


      I ca- Wait... I didn't see the "good" part...

    2. Major Tom

      Major Tom

      I could try

  5. Logging in when the server restarts is not very joyful

    1. dude


      True that.

  6. been off for a while due to finales, which all suck. Be on later...

  7. well, one year,a nd now I got a total top hat.

  8. do you smell that? That smelll, that smelly smell, that kind of smelly smell that's smell and smells.... smelly...

    1. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      The smell of apologies being written?

  9. you GMs seriously got to lock the chests full of goodies.

    1. Ever


      It was just dyes and glowstune dust for fireworks n_n

  10. why's everyone got a stick up their you-know-what lately?

  11. Alright it just rubs me the wrong way that the average human height is 6'6 to 7. It's just seeded due to the fact that hieght = more power, and that's what everyone wants now a days....

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Temp


      6 is capped.

      Unless someone is a recognized exception, people found in Oren over 6 feet tall are considered abominations and are to be killed on sight.

    3. IrishPerson
    4. Katherine1


      Well, that Elf one isn't quite true. Wood Elves are slightly shorter than humans. High and Dark Elves are taller, though :3

      And my human character around 4' ish... though she is a child...

  12. I'll never understand why people post apps with nothing but "i want to join the servr because its cull"

    1. Shorsand


      Well I mean, it is pretty cull, br0.

    2. Gwonam_Blaze


      admin pl0s i vry good admin i dont abuse yoloswag

    3. Kaiser


      supr awsum

  13. can anyone else not log in?

    1. V0idsoldier


      *Cant decide whether to answer yes or no due to the layout of the question* Yes... wait... no? Er...

  14. no good FRPs to join :(

    1. JtPv
    2. Kaiser


      no offense JtPv, not meanin an insult on you! Just don't find it my style.

    3. EmeraldStag


      What is your style?

  15. someone make plasmid magic lore...

    1. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      I call making the diving suits!

  16. *Hangs up Halfling Thief Coat* too many thieving Halflings, my job's done for now

    1. cmack1028


      No! You're the ORIGINAL Halfling thief! You mustn't!

    2. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      It's simple...we kill the Ferrets.

    3. TheRoyalOnion(Aris)


      ^That made my day.

  17. Is it bad the onlything OOC is doing at the moment is discussing how to make a porn industries in LOTC?

    1. Gwonam_Blaze


      That depends on the average age of the OOC channels current playerbase...

  18. I love the fact Benbo uses somewhat up-beat music in his crazy posts... adds to the insanity and gives a look into his eyes, it's not dark... it's fun...?

    1. Wretched


      Yeeesh! I thought the title was pretty clever though.

    2. Kaiser


      Ha, very cleaver, keep up the good work, Ben.

    3. Amorphbutt


      I want to see the next one deal with a corpse wearing a cloak of his own skin.

  19. When you make a problem, fix it like a man. Don't leave it, even if it doesn't effect you, as it effects others. You're just childish if you're so self ceneterd not to take the time to fix something...

    1. Joe_Blackman


      H-how... Would I fix it like a woman?

    2. Lord_Sauron_


      Sandwiches? (Don'tkillmeI'mjusttryingtobefunny)

  20. I'm not against ChumpChump but.... Man, you said you were never coming back, hold out!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      You stole all our nuclear missile ingredients.

    3. seannie


      Lol, why would anyone want to encourage a player from staying away from Lotc.

    4. Kaiser


      Just to be clear, I was being Sarcastic... Although the joke's less funny now that I have to explain it.

      Love you, Chump

  21. I still need a skin... sad me...

  22. so... bioshock infinite... my only reaction was "I have no idea what's going on"

    1. Major Tom

      Major Tom

      Horrible Future/roaring 20's Racists . . . in the sky!

    2. Xerxes_XIII 2

      Xerxes_XIII 2

      I know that feel, bruh.

  23. and so even Bili bites the dust. We're running out of responsible veterans... only Gaeleg and Aris left, and now I'm sad.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kaiser


      anyone who joins after yourself will be looked at as new, even if you aren't a newbie. It's just how me and a majority of people see it. You're still awesome, Apt :P

    3. Agent Miller

      Agent Miller

      White wolf was here from the start as well.

    4. LaCabra (Soda)
  24. No GM can answer my simple question on lore...

    1. Elfen_


      No, just no.

    2. Lago


      Which is?

  25. Do we have fairy lore? if not, someone make it.

    1. Mankaar


      We do though

    2. Kaiser


      no negativity, skippy

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