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Status Updates posted by Truthseeker83

  1. IC: All I can think about is Amber!

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      IC: Ran away with Burgandis

    2. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)
  2. Inside the mind of every living being resides truth!

    1. Samler


      No! You are not entering my mind to seek out my truths! There is limits on what you can seek!

    2. mitto


      the truth is a conspiracy formulated by the government. repeat after me; ravioli ravioli give me the formuoli

    3. Truthseeker83


      Open the doors to your mind and let me in. I won't bite too hard samlar.

  3. It has been fun getting to know your characters... can't wait for more rp.

  4. Its been a long day at work... man after spending so much time around food you start to hate it.

  5. its been a long day... read my journal for deatils

  6. Just a shout out to my Oussana peeps and friends of the family.

  7. Just got accepted to use fire magic!

  8. Just uploaded a New Minecraft let's Play series with my friend. If your intrested in those follow the link and leave your comments.

  9. Killeki has been doing alot of rearch this weeek / Vallel has fallen in love with skyler.

    1. Supremacy


      Is Skyler a mali'aheral?

    2. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)


  10. lol everyday with me is an unintended IC development ;)

  11. Looking for a job sucks... :/

    1. Shorsand


      Ain't that the truth.

    2. Roxforbraynz



      You made me laugh my arse off. :P

    3. Katherine1


      Yup. Been doing just that for awhile.

  12. Loving my new job as tech support but i find little time for LOTC now :(

  13. Loving my new job as tech support but i find little time for LOTC now :(

    1. Ezo Karasuga

      Ezo Karasuga

      Welcome to real life :D

  14. My Magic app was posted this morning. Thanks for those who supported me.

  15. Roams around the hallows becoming more and more mentally unstable. http://tinyurl.com/k2auhpo

  16. Roams around the hallows becoming more and more mentally unstable.

    1. The Fact Core

      The Fact Core

      Welcome to the club.

  17. So I got a new Avatar... wanted to know what the community though of it. Post your comments.

  18. So it begins, the life of a magic teacher. If anyone have questions about fire evocation feel free to ask send me a PM.

  19. Thinking about writing some lore, what are your thoughts?

  20. Ugg.. Moving is a pain. I have so much to do and LOTC keeps drawing me in... why must you be so addictive LOTC.

  21. Vallel has discovered things from her past...

  22. Vallel is turning out to be very fun to play!

  23. Vallel just got married this morning! To Fiyem Ehier'maehr

    1. MrSyth


      The wedding was wonderful! Especially Dio's game ;)


  24. Was murdered at the hands of the Dwarfs today at a GM festival of all places. Guess there is no place safe from those dwarfs.

  25. Welcome back, I hear lots of good things about you. I'm excited to see what you can do to live up to all of this hype.

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