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Everything posted by Kaun

  1. CT Bread chest little more than half full, get it while its fresh!

  2. There are a fair few, however I don't know much about them all. All I know is that there are a fair few of them that exist but don't do anything to my knowledge.
  3. "Life is as a flowing river, sometimes it is smooth and calming, skimming across the rocks below. However once in awhile, a waterfall begins, and the river becomes frantic, only to become calm yet again." -Me, just now explaining the 'Role Changes'

  4. Added ~Items of Interest~ And its components.
  5. Server ez Deaderinos

  6. Never knew these were a thing, however, my Void Shard lore has a being I was planning on essentially become one of these xD, except look like this.
  7. ~Updated -How to Destroy-~ ~Updated -Pros-~ ~Updated -Cons-~ (Have any ideas, feel free to PM me or simply post here, your choice. All feedback is welcomed, but not required.)
  8. 1 By this, which I forgot to clearly define in my google document, the other two seemed to be that to her, as one cared for Life greatly, the other for Death. 2 Forgot this one as well, by this I meant to explain that she was simply raised, not really born by them. They taught her all she knew. 3 Her job is to Protect the Home, but by this she must also protect the Home of Good and of Evil, thus where her Neutrality comes in. 4 The other Immortals are other Aengul and Daemons, should have clarified that, my mistake. They wrote this Book to teach Mortals how important and essential the Balance of Good and Evil is. 5 She has a lot of influence with other Aengul/Daemons because of her ability to open and close Gateways at will, even the ones between Realms. As for the 'Creation and Destruction,' you may have misunderstood that part, not sure. That bit means she knows what Creation is like, and what Destruction is like, which she sees both as necessary, furthering her view as Neutral. 6 She is attempting to keep the Balance in the Mortal World, while still being Neutral as much as she can. In dire circumstances however, she will be similar to Eshtael, and intervene herself. 7 I more of meant that as simply a large group who don't want her messing with things. 8 'Malevolent Intentions' to her, is upsetting the Balance. Something as, a Being of Light nearly eradicating all Evil with Aengulic powers, or an Undead nearly wiping out the Mortals with Iblees power. 9 In this, as I did not know that originally, most lore such as Aphotep is not very open and seen. However in the instance like this, she does not ignore them, more of has permission to open the passage and allow the Soul to aid the Mortal. However I can see the issue with returning characters, I have a small idea on how to fix that, but it will take a little bit to figure out. 10 Valid point, I'll ask booklight about that one later, as it was one of his ideas for spells in the lore, may be able to make it more RP friendly and non powergaming. 11 These would essentially be Portals that the maker must have an extreme connection to. Though, I can see the issue with a hundred of these things floating about... A regulation on the total amount that can exist in the Realm would probably help there, and maybe make it need a lot of energy and time preparing, as well as materials to create. I'll think a few things over, also if you have any suggestions for this, I'd love to hear them, however you don't have to if you don't want to, all feedback and ideas are welcomed, but not required.
  9. Well, maybe it's Cappy's Evil sense of humor?

    1. Heff


      well, maybe its cause your ugly

    2. calculusdesola


      ha! never mess with le cappinator! admin abuse is le joke

  10. If you don't mind, I'd like to know these other reasons, as well as what you think would help this lore to improve it.
  11. ~Been Busy, will Update over this weekend and hopefully finish before Christmas~
  12. Plea halp, its a LoL promotion thingy. http://christmas.riotpromotions.com/9ebBOG

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Space


      Not when they give the people who click on them adware and spyware.

    3. Dreek
    4. Heff


      Its worth a try if u wanna get raped, stalked, aids, and your computer broken

  13. I'm a Monk too ttwesten :P I know a fair bit of what they do. But overall, the Triumvirate only deals with the Balance of Souls, not the Realm itself. Eseeria is simply here to attempt to keep a Balance overall. Here and there things will go bump in the Balance, but big changes such as Iblees nearly wiping out the entirety of the Descendants, she will intervene to keep the Balance. Otherwise, she will not do very much other than give the Connections to the Celestial Magic.
  14. I feel ya, Heero always corrects me on stuff cause wiki would say what I said at one point, but the wiki has changed like a thousand times on the same stuff.
  15. Sorry guys, was away watching Guardians of the Galaxy, (spoiler, Groot is adorable in tiny form <3) Anyways, Gazadriel is the Aengul of New Beginnings, and doesn't do anything with Gateways as I've seen or heard of. P.S. MultiQuote failed >:{ @ttwesten~ The reason Eseeria has interfered is because of the great disturbance in the Balance. Yes, there are the Triumvirate, but they have fairly limited interference other than healing those of the World. Eseeria is here to make sure that the Balance is not disturbed too far. Few other Aengul/Daemons care enough for the Mortals to help cease the great pain they have faced, Eseeria however does not lack this care. She however does all she can to keep the Balance, without tipping it to either sides favor. @Lark~ Understandable, but new things are worth a try, otherwise, how shall we improve? I had to tell myself the same thing about PvP Default, of which I was greatly against, but chose that change can help things. Sometimes they make it worse, sometimes they make it better, but its just a chance you have to take to see. However, your thoughts are duly noted.
  16. She will not balance the entire world, she simply attempts to keep the Balance among the Mortals as much as she can. She will not allow the absolute destruction of Good or Evil in the Mortal World. There are two separate councils for both. As well, Aenguls and Daemons having children, they have always been able to, it's why some are older than others, and Tah and Xan are brothers.
  17. Any Questions can be asked to either Booklight or I, as we both worked for a fair time typing this up. In about 20 minutes I will be unavailable until 8pm EST, as I am going to see a Movie. If you have any feedback or thoughts, please post and let us know, any feedback, positive or negative, is appreciated as it helps us further the lore.
  18. "When the Time has come, all must face their Destiny, but be the Master of their own Fate..." -Kaun

  19. -Updated ~How to Destroy~ As well as furthered detail on ~Cons~-
  20. Crafters gonna Craft

  21. (Going by paragraphs here) 1.) At the moment 'Pure' Mana is simply a relative term, what it truly is is as you put it, but I'm using Pure Mana as its place as it is more broad to the subject and more open to the usual concept of something very powerful, being very deadly. 2.) The object you were thinking of that it would be 'in limbo' with would be the Controlling Object, (EI jewelry etc.), is placed in the Device I mentioned you made me think of, would put it into a sort of stasis that it could no longer be controlled until the Jewelry/object is removed from the Device. As for the second part, the Shard I'm going for is one people can obtain at any time, as long as they have the materials needed, which also includes the willingness of several Voidic Masters, to keep it from becoming an snowflake object. Also, there will be an event I will propose to many of the Major Guilds out there in order to get its presence to be known, without bringing the entire server into a compact place with, what will be no doubt, trolling and people trying to be 'top dog' in the situation over others. 3.) The sort of poisoning from the mana isn't like Dark Magics in a few ways. For instance, it cannot be removed by Holy Magic or any other magic. Only waiting and being healthy, the Voidic Masters who helped created the Shard, and the person in Control of the Shard can remove it. It is also a location and use based poisoning, the closer you are to the Shard, and the more Mana you use in the Shard's presence will increase the rate and damage of the poisoning. As for players ignoring the downsides, I WILL be checking in on the Shard's every now and again to see what has happened to it, as I cannot monitor all things that occur with them, I will watch the things that inevitably remove the Shard from the players control and cause it to be unbalanced and cease to exist with its imploding into the Void. 4.) As I'm not sure I've mentioned before, I haven't gotten all of the Uses out yet, this will include its abilities and whatnot, EI, things only it can do. These may or may not include a strange form, very powerful, yet very limited form of pure void magic. 5.) The Shard, if the 'Jewelry' is tossed and lost from a living person's hand/body, it will cause the Shard to immediately begin to destabilize and, once it has overgone its 'Jewelry's' strength to control it, the Physical Plane will force the Shard and the area surrounding it, into the Void. If the 'Jewelry' is as strong as Tahrah/Estare's Staff is, then it would explode, rather than implode, as at that point the Physical Plane cannot control it and instead of being capable of removing it entirely, it sacrifices the area, rather than the entire Plane. 6.) I hadn't completely thought of that, but it did touch my mind. Though, I believe it would turn back to what I said about paragraph 4. Where it may form a new type of very limited but powerful magic in its area of influence. 7.) As for this, all things are not quite yet explained, I will in time, but a short example of what I was thinking when it 'zapped' people, is it turns the Mana within the Being against itself, breaking it and destroying it, while the Shard's 'aura' effect, fills them with 'Pure' Mana. Essentially, this will be the base ability of the Shard, which would simply be a hyper effect of its 'aura' effect that it already does. As for the thought of it being OP, it isn't really. As stated above the Origin section, the Mortal Shard's will nowhere near be as powerful as the First Shard. Instead, for example, it would take about 5 minutes of an infant of a chipmunk, for the example, to be killed if targeted by the Shard. On normal aura effect, it could take 20-30 minutes of IC gameplay. Being targeted by the Shard only increases the effect by 2 times the original pace. For the reason it reacted differently on the First, was its level of power, and the Staff, being in a temporary placement to slow its growth and effect. Only when Estares had the Staff and commanded it to unleash its strength, did it have a near infinite effect. (But as said, Mortal Shards will be /infinitely/ less powerful than the original). However, after all that, it's base ability is pretty much a side effect that simply increases the damage of its aura. No idea what happened with the highlight here. I'm trying to sort it out. (Couldn't fix it so I made it as easy as I could to read.)
  22. It will not be a snowflake item, as all it takes is gathering things that will all be capable of being gathered In Character. The only item of it that will require me being told of is its actual formation and the finding of a Sephyrim Crystal, which shall be in numerous places across the map. I'm attempting to balance it into a device that cannot be snowflaked, and its Cons in using it outweigh the Pros in many situations if used rapidly and recklessly. It won't be an impossible artifact to get, as stated. As who shall be using it, any who attempt and succeed in creating one, its purpose varies in a great many situations and will create unique roleplay when interacted with by outside forces, the results could be positive or greatly negative by reacting with the Shard itself. For example, Voidic magics will not harm the Shard but it will still use mana, which will in turn, the Shard will replace your mana at an increased rate to Pure Mana, increasing the chance of being in mortal danger from the poisoning that Pure Mana is upon Mortals and Immortals alike.
  23. I was thinking about the idea you just spoke of Elindor, while it is quite good, I haven't been able to explain the fullness of how the Controller works. The Controller is pretty much a balance on the Shard, it keeps it from growing too large and powerful as well as giving the one with it the ability to control the Shard's abilities. Though, this Object can change persons at the risk of the Shard growing slightly on each change. Because of this, I do see part of your point, if you meant this, it can become 'snowflaked' sorta once the Shard is near breaking point because no one wants it to go nuclear on the area. So, I thought a little bit on making a device that does not need an exact Controller Person as the case would be. A small device of sorts, using the remains of the Sephyrim Crystal could act as a stasis of the Void Shard, as I'll also have to add to what Sephyrim Crystals are and what they do.I'll work it out, but if you have any pin pointing ideas on where to take this and what to add, feel free to leave more posts. More views and thoughts help me further the lore and make it better understandable, acceptable, and enjoyable to the server. :)
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