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Status Replies posted by Pum!

  1. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/111767-sibling-art-show-off/ Shameless advertising of my sister's art because she needs comissions! :P
  2. When the servers go to sleep, the forums wake up to play. This playing quickly degrades into people throwing eggs at eachother.

  3. When the servers go to sleep, the forums wake up to play. This playing quickly degrades into people throwing eggs at eachother.

  4. It's k Rhia, I still love you

  5. The race between cyndikate's post rep and rhia's post rep...

  6. thinking of rejoining druids when i can get unbanned on server. how active are they nowadayd?

  7. Account #1 Denied Everything is great but your character's story is too drastic (i.e. orc's killed mother took me in slavery) which is funny because I seen a Approved one that seemingly took mine... Lol Denied #2: Storys too bland, A peasant Family Farmer boy who is 24 wants to start his life by moving into a city Sorry too bland And unoriginal, like... No disrespect but I feel these moderators are the 20+ year old Neckbeards who read fan fictions and provide there unnecessary "...

  8. whoops. Cya guys. I've been permabananad.

  9. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What does Belka represent?

  10. *gets an F on Science final, grade goes up, pro*

    1. Pum!


      Nah nah nah, spelling tests are every week. :c

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  11. -Insert drama-making status here-


  13. Train station updated, any ideas on how to brighten up the ceiling? http://imgur.com/4M1YRIM

  14. Notices the multiple skirmishes today, then notices the fact that Oren was defeated, then notices the lack of ban reports, then notices the friendly banter between opposing forces, Hrmmm he thinks out loud.

  15. I just got a new kitty. Hes a male and I need some cool name suggestions. I'd like it to reference to some sort of fantasy game/movie. Any suggestions? :D

  16. lol @ peasants

  17. Where are some active taverns? The 'Stereotypical Italian Bar' in Kaldonia, where else?

    1. Pum!


      :c halflings should provide us with ale then

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  18. Where are some active taverns? The 'Stereotypical Italian Bar' in Kaldonia, where else?

    1. Pum!


      Yeah, our tavern is really chill, come to Alras and check it out! :3

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  19. BE HONEST. I'm noob at skinning. New skin, not shaded yet, just wanted to know what you think. # Front: http://gyazo.com/4995667d2894582290b2078e6f2a13f3 Back: http://gyazo.com/3335785cdb1b3a1bf2bf8f01b4db9639 Based on this: http://www.fancifulmind.com/sims/images/italian_ren_dress.jpg

  20. New Land idea: Return to Aegis. Everything is Netherrack and fire and all the nations must live on floating islands in the sky. Battling for resources and land is fierce.

  21. What if potato chips were never called potato chips and they were called chipatoes. This is what i think about in the middle of the night.

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