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Status Replies posted by Pum!

  1. Anybody know of any good RP roles right now? Trying to get back in after a long break and can't quite find a role to settle in to.

  2. HELLO TO ALL! It is I! Violet Frost! All of you have forgotten about my legacy I suppose! But I finally return after almost a year to finally ban appeal! *hopes for applause*

  3. Anyone got any alternate IP's for LOTC since my ip's tend not to work

  4. We could solve all the arguing by just not letting anyone force combat on anyone else, RP or PvP. But that's just my opinion.

  5. Do you have to join any special guild to learn healing magic?

  6. Kharajyr Trivia Question of the day: Who was famed for crushing skull like bug?

  7. Kharajyr Trivia Question of the day: Who was famed for crushing skull like bug?

  8. Kharajyr Trivia Question of the day: Who was famed for crushing skull like bug?

  9. Kharajyr Trivia Question of the day: Who was famed for crushing skull like bug?

  10. Kharajyr Trivia Question of the day: Who was famed for crushing skull like bug?

  11. If you could become best friends with anyone, real or fictional, who would it be?

  12. Ball postponed, another time will be worked out. Server stability and confusion have made this impossible.

  13. Cappy, Rhia, Tnoy, Agnub, Birc, thank you for all being here today. ^.^ it means alot.

  14. what is a brony?

  15. What happens if I wear a necklace of Solidified Taint?

  16. Anyone else getting horrific lag?

  17. As I think about it, I'm not sure if I'll be able to do full drawings as part of the art request thread. AS a full sketched, inked, and colored/shaded drawing usualy takes me about three hours. I might just do refined sketches that'll take 30 minutes or so depending on how I like them.. maybe I'll look into doing commisions of a sort for full drawings. Gahh But then how'd I RP suddenly coming into minas

  18. Thanks to those who stopped by the stream! Here's the finished piece. Sasha's character Allison! http://th04.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2014/009/3/4/lotc_allison_b_by_demonessie-d71k9qa.png

  19. the surgery on wedsday went better than expected i am alive and in recovering they said i can use the computer a little now but i will not be on as much to rehab for the next few weeks thank you for the prayers and well wishes

  20. So, I have tried about 3 different characters since I re-joined LOTC and none of them have worked out. I'm getting writers block for the first time on LOTC. Any character ideas? Or if anyone needs a character played I can fulfill that role as long as I think it will be fun.

  21. Is it just me or did the server crash?

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