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Status Updates posted by Anawkin

  1. My ancestors are smiling upon me imperial, can you say the same?

    1. warlord of filth
    2. 6xdestroyer


      My ancestors took a shower and didnt come out....

  2. Need someone to unhide my app, as I don

    1. tilly


      I've looked through the archive and the trashed threads. It, unfortunately, looks like the threads were deleted. We're gonna try to get them back though!

    2. Anawkin
  3. never forgetti moms spagetti

  4. people with bad rep to post ratios are a disgrace

  5. please leave the nicest comments you can below

    1. 𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      𝙻𝚞𝚟 XO

      You rp like a little girl

    2. Petals4013


      you're almost as hot as my mum

  6. still got my rep : D

  7. USA day is just around the corner. Out with the Canucks.

    1. osumanduas


      I'll give yah the ******* right left bud.

  8. What is love..

    1. justDEWit


      the stuff that your mom gives me HAHAHAAHHAHAHAHHA


      No, I'm sorry.

    2. Matheus


      and the thing ur mom doesnt give you

  9. xD

    1. lawnmowerman


      **** off you lowlife prick. If only the world would purge itself of you scum.

  10. 山羊笨蛋

    1. ShameJax


      please come up with an original meme

    2. Anawkin


      ur just one big meme u goat shagger

    3. ShameJax
  11. "I spend all my minas on this big ol' fancy house for all these pixel eyed girls"~

  12. Might be hoping back on soon with a fresh character, hope to see some new and old faces!

  13. ~Its begining to look a alot like christmas~

    1. Lathros


      Everywhere ya go.

  14. Aaaannnd the hawks fly to victory~

  15. Ain't nobody dope as me?

    1. Evilbanana5757


      I'm just so fresh, so clean!

  16. Am I just really great or what!

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