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Agent Miller

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Status Replies posted by Agent Miller

  1. [4:40:50 PM] Nathan Dixon: Because only serial killers drink diet coke.

  2. For those of you who lay eyes upon Panda's current picture wondering, yes, that is truly her. That is truly Panda, and she put on her best hat for all of you to see. Look at her hat.

  3. So tired... but what can I say? School sucks.

  4. It's hard to keep secrets a secret at times :x

  5. Leave Gallmore alone, or mah boys gonna whack ya!

    1. Agent Miller

      Agent Miller

      I think they are Hanseti, Salvus and that's all I'm aware of :/

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  6. My dad just kicked me out of the house due to his stupid girlfriend leaving "because of me". I can't take this bullshit anymore

    1. Agent Miller

      Agent Miller

      We are here for you Lykos, hope you get through this tough time man.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  7. Hum... I now have nothing to do. Someone give me something to do! [desu~]

  8. Hum... I now have nothing to do. Someone give me something to do! [desu~]

  9. Okay, if anyone sees my online tomorrow, tell me to get offline instantly. I will be suffering from post-surgery highness and I don't wanna spread that to the server

  10. I'm back. Did I miss much?

  11. Like I said. Nug broke the server.

  12. AdBlock doesn't work for LoTc :/

  13. one or two was fine, but cursing and now spamming is getting out of hand.

  14. Just spent my 2000th post on an app.

  15. I don't really know anymore... people hate me on LoTC and won't allow anything of which I offer or even reply to when I ask something important... People hate me as others have claimed and now I am finally thinking it is true.

  16. Sneak peak of the diamond mine! http://i.imgur.com/KEtSio7.jpg

  17. So... I haven't been ON the server for a pretty long while, did I miss anything?

  18. Ernest Potion explodes after he dropped a rose into it. Boom!

  19. No-one likes talking to the elf on the road....

  20. The thing in my aforementioned status update happened in RP guys...To the people who actually screamed at me thinking I had done something that horrible in real life...

  21. Hey guys, wanna hear a joke??? Microsoft.

  22. Based on what I got Sony > Microsoft.

    1. Agent Miller

      Agent Miller

      And the score stands at Sony 10, Microsoft....I give up.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  23. S1E4 Game of thrones, the jousting scene. OH. OH. OH GOD OH GOD THAT IS NASTY :O

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