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Agent Miller

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Status Replies posted by Agent Miller

  1. I'm a bit bored...I kinda want to play maybe League or Skyrim but I'm not sure...

    1. Agent Miller

      Agent Miller

      I rejoined with my char who used to be in the delvers and it was good.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  2. Can someone in America give me a possible ETA on the announcement for destiny @ E3? I wanna watch the reveal live. Tanks doods!

  3. Well that escalated quickly/

  4. Going through some old pics saved on MC. Came across this one. xD http://imgur.com/t2VmFPt

  5. So glad I joined up with the Delvers.

  6. I don't know why but i just remembered my first day on the server, wandering down the cloud temple steps, taking a left walking along the road to Malinor then being greeted by its beauty, the stunning trees and atmosphere. And of course you had Native and his little shop XD. Good times.

  7. 2 year LOTC anniversary. It has been quite the journey.


  9. Heading North to that freezing wasteland they call Europe in a few hours, wont be back until the 10th of July. Probably wont be able to get on the forums while Im gone, and there's an even smaller chance Ill be able to get in-game. Bbl, LoTC. Will miss my Aussies :C

  10. Exams, please go away. No one likes you.

  11. Ugh.......no one came for me in the night..... Now I have to go to school....uhhhg

  12. Updated nickname and profile....now to go and assassinate the turtle.....

  13. Daily reminder: You all just lost the game.

  14. So, all the guys from the GM team went on Britain's Got Talent - we got through! http://youtu.be/VJuJeSxtY98

  15. Quite in the frp section.....WHAT BLASPHEMY IS THIS!!!!!

  16. Never, ever play CoD with Skyyo. You will be killed. Killed many, many times. . .

  17. Got a new hard drive. Can now record for my youtube channel. Wonder what I should record.....

  18. Good job, Microsoft. You screwed it up.

  19. Alright. I'll just ask it. Are the roses planning on causing trouble with the Delvers?

  20. Just terrorizing the delvers as a water imp...

  21. "Hail to you, the Doctor! Savior of the Cybermen!"

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