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Agent Miller

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Status Updates posted by Agent Miller

  1. Who here has gotten their copy of Halo 4?

  2. Less than 15 hours till the release of Halo 4!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mucky


      Galdor I will kill u

    3. Aiden


      I thought it came out tuesday

    4. TheWhiteWolf


      Sloan and myself are going to the midnight release tonight.

  3. Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs everywhere.

  4. There's an ender dragon in Solace, is that normal??

    1. Supremacy


      Likely a mod.

    2. MonkeyCoffee


      It's normal, it's there for it's dayly tea party.

    3. Agent Miller

      Agent Miller

      I heard that dragons were being put into Lotc as well, and I'm becoming tense from it.

  5. Here Halo question number 2!: What is the winter contingency?

    1. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      The response plan for a Covie attack. Not sure if it was just for Reach or all planets.

    2. aron.


      I think it was just covie. It is also a song in the soundtrack ;)

  6. Halo 4 livestream on Machinima right now.

    1. ShadowoKing


      Spoilers (Has it pre-ordered and wants to wait)

  7. All RP forums are dead, except the zombie RP which is undead.

    1. Jchizz


      Nah bro. They're just on break. I'll be back in it now that ED and EA apps are done with :D

  8. Updated Signature and now, a TV in my room.

  9. Roughly 171 hours till the release of Halo 4!!!!!!!

    1. Agent Miller

      Agent Miller


  10. A wild fact appeared: Minecraft has taken over MW3 in sales.

  11. Just looking at the Halo RP aand its dead.

  12. Reading Halo: The fall of reach...It's a pretty good novel. ME GUSTA!!!

  13. Is it possible for an elf to be half dark elf and regular elf (being one parent was a dark elf and the other a regular elf)?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Agent Miller

      Agent Miller

      Glad a elf expert came in on this cause I know squat about elves, I only know they age slow (once mature), one of the most common races to learn magic and have a eternal quest for knowledge.

    3. Rissing


      Honestly it's merely a change of your color and appearance.

      The actual roleplaying and cultural knowledge is for the parents to be decided.

      Have fun with your new char~

    4. Lawrence_Dragonstrider


      yea I made an app, just waiting on input/acceptance

  14. Out of curiosity who is going to be Rping as a Pirate, Privateer or some other profession of a sea worthy vessel?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Aiden


      Malinor has a navy

    3. aron.


      My ALT, Zoot, will probably end up becomnig a pirate

    4. shiftnative


      My alt will be somfin' like this aye!

  15. Just an idea, check out this idea of mine to upgrade our current catapult system, saves time with GM's having to constantly observe and place TnT blocks, plus they'll need to update to 1.4 in a week anyway,so food for thought and here it is: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/72560-idea-catapult-upgrade/page__view__getnewpost

  16. I regret saying this, but I think Lotc is dying, the forums are getting quieter by day, the server is down (due to host moving and ddos attacks) I can't stAND THIS ARGGHHHHH!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Slic3man


      The forums are quieter? .w.

      We're being saturated in Forum RP at this point, look around a bit.

    3. danic


      A bit mellow dramatic, are we?

    4. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      Players are back in school and we're in the midst of a major transitional period. We'll be alright.

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