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Status Updates posted by dank

  1. [5:07:42 PM] Aidan [Aron]: Conspiracy theory: Nathan and Adam Barnett are actually just Kebab and Aislin ******* with us.

    1. Rassidic


      Honestly wouldn't be surprised.

  2. [6:55:34 PM] Roy: eyad is now regent of redantus

    1. Raptorious


      ave redantus

      ave vradoryr

      ave orAn

    2. Thatpyrodude
  3. ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ TNT OR RIOTヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

    1. Jachnun


      **** Yh and **** you


  4. adam's back and he didn't get shot! :^ D

  5. Anyone care to have advertisements in the Abresi Tabloid? c:

  6. Anyone know how to fix the fact that whenever I right-click an anvil, it exits out and I cannot re-access the anvils, or any other Nexus crafting workstation?

  7. Apex Master Race.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Samoblivion


      Avian brotherhood

    3. tnoy23


      Human rarity ((They are actually almost extinct in that game according to lore))

    4. Lathros


      Yeah, Floran swag.

  8. Beautiful ambush. :')

  9. cruz got caught w/ the juice nooo

  10. eddy made apps before it was cool...

    1. Old Man Boiendl

      Old Man Boiendl

      shutup i made an app before eddy did

    2. dank


      no u didn't sir....

  11. Fear not, Boiendl. They cannot silence us forever.

  12. for what purpose do you remove my status, fm's? at the least send me a message w/ reasoning

  13. I plan on making a contest-style give-a-way for a few Starbound games... any idea on what, exactly? :P

  14. i think i spread the secret message too quickly tbh

  15. in b4 the oppression starts.

  16. kipples for king tbh

  17. LotC IP's not working for anyone else? "Can't connect to server."

  18. mc.lotc.co IP not working. pls help.

  19. mfw dark elves hate star wars it's confirmed

  20. mfw i come back from going outside and hanging out with friends, lotc is 331/300

  21. mfw im best out of bagley, italian, seannie, & trol. russia stronk http://gyazo.com/cd0c5c6ca863dd1a3856e9dbabc4f09c

    1. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      mfw then you left and i had to pick up the pieces

  22. Middle-Eastern countries opening up on 'Men of Valor' FRP! Join now while the new countries are out! I'm looking at you, Gaius.

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