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Status Updates posted by AndrewTech

  1. #freetheET2024 (remove realm RO safeguards on event STs for consequential events plz)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. monkeypoacher


      except ROs aren't "players trusted in that specific community," they are usually nation leaders or their petty lieutenants. how do we trust that they are making the call in good faith?


      I would be fine with a system based on consent for roleplay (you want to burn my house down, we have to agree on a time and fight for it) because at least it people who are directly interested in the RP decide how it plays out. usually the nation leader/region owner whatever is interested in not having their next Lavish Court Banquet interrupted, and says no.

    3. squakhawk


      bro et literally have no restrictions except not playing deities and shit without permission someone could flatten haense if they wanted to idc

    4. AndrewTech


      That's great to hear, apologies for my ignorance. Love u Squak ♥️

  2. @Urgehey man sorry about Petra ❤️

    1. Sefardi


      its ok i forgive you 🍉

  3. I hope the forums get fixed soon. The new way images are handled in posts is annoying :(

    1. Child Neglecter

      Child Neglecter

      This isn't apparently a forums issue with the images themselves, but an update to Google Docs and Mozilla that has apparently fucked with how the images from docs are transferred to the forums. I figured out a solution to the problem by putting all of my images I wanted [in this case for the Varg lore] into an Imgur Album, then right clicking on each one and doing "Copy Image" and pasting it into the post directly. It doesn't embed the image and it's full size as it's meant to be, nor does it attach it taking up MB space on the forums themselves. So you don't need to link images by the raw imgur links themselves any more (if you did that it would make them very small versions of the images) but just do as mentioned with Copy Image.

    2. AndrewTech


      Oh sweet, thanks for the tip! Sad to hear about google docs though, hope the issue can be compensated for later down the line.

  4. Tell someone close to you how much you appreciate them. It's worth it to bring a smile to their face.

  5. The legend returns......

  6. Yearly reminder that I miss you. Hope that you'll pop in again someday, my old friend.

  7. Two more days to submit applications to participate in this awesome competition!: 


  8. Six days left to enter this contest!: 


  9. A young lady issues a plea for assistance... 


  10. Ezo, Covid’s shut the world down and I’m up for some of your whimsical eccentricity. Plz come back!

    Edited by AndrewTech
  11. Damn this war is toxic. Just wish we could just hold the WC and get it all over with, regardless of the outcome.

    1. Legoboy7984


      At this point the war should just end. The war has been toxic and boring while the server is just taking a dump.

    2. AndrewTech


      I agree on both accounts. Hopefully the staff will find a resolution to the server’s technical issues and handling the war soon. 

  12. I miss you, my old friend and mentor... ?

    1. Raomir


      absolute legend

  13. I’m not one to speak on mechanical changes undertaken by the staff often, but can we please have at least the option to use the old /’s system? Even the most veteran of players are looking like complete noobs right now in-game...

  14. Looking for an opportunity to make a few extra minas? Good at skinning? Know someone who is? Then check out this link!


  15. Hello, my old friends. Been a while, but please, do tell me what's been going on in LotC over the past few months?

    1. drfate786


      Not much, Oren is gone, JB was blown to bits and is now a frozen crater oh and a cult/group of interest is forming to lynch all of the ascended. It's great man, you should join in!

    2. Deminisher


      The Holy Orenian Empire fell at hands of the Coalition, resulting in the creation of the following independent nations: Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, Kingdom of Lorraine-Savoy, Kingdom of Courland, Kingdom of the Westerlands, and the Silver States of Haelun'or. The final act of the Emperor Philip Frederick was to blow up the capital of Oren, Johannesburg, using a Thanium 'bomb' rather than surrendering/losing to the Coalition.

      Since then the nations: Princedom of Fenn, War Nation of Krugmar, and Kingdom of Norland have also been created. As a result of all of this, rp hubs have been dispersed

      The current political climate involves war between Courland and its allies and Haense and its allies. Its first war was supposed to happen last week, but the Sultanate of Haria blockaded travel between the island of Asul and Tahn; thus delaying the war.

      In other news, Cloud temple was recently released, and admin shops have been readded!

      That's about it...

    3. AndrewTech


      Thanks guys! Really appreciate your taking the time to catch me up on things. May consider checking in on a minor character one of these days. No promises, since I'm very busy, but we'll see. Maybe this summer or something. :trololo:

  16. Need someone with a dwarf character to fill the role of Thorin Diamondcrusher in this play!:

      [KIRU TRAVEL AGENCY] Actors Needed for a Play!  



  17. Searching for actors/actresses for this play! Don't be afraid to apply, previous experience unneeded!

  18. Hey LotCers! Currently, I'm searching around for players interested in playing a couple of golems which shall be built with the purpose of guarding the Town of Chambery. If interested, reply to this status or send me a PM!

    1. ThatCanadian
    2. Salvo


      No more golems. Please. They're far, FAAAAAAR too widespread at this point.

    3. Potts244


      Tommy Pickles

  19. Be sure to come to the public feast at Chambery tomorrow at 8 EST!

  20. *Yawns* Another day, another dollar...

  21. Having major connection issues. -.- Help?

    1. Space


      Try getting a proxy or something. Change IP maybe.

  22. Love new maps SOOOOO much. However, it sucks when you get a "Wandering Spirit" message and have little access to commands. Full server slots also kinda ruins the hype. ;~;

  23. Yep, that's me. :3

  24. I'm now up to three people telling me that I should PK my flagship character, Mandru. Sheesh. :/

    1. Elfen_


      Wut, why talkkk to me on skype please o.o

    2. monkeypoacher
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