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Maletone Blazebeard (Aqua)

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Status Replies posted by Maletone Blazebeard (Aqua)

  1. Pirates or Ninjas?

  2. I think to much... make it stop!

  3. you know, I know I've said this before but i'll say it again. it is weird how nearly every female character on server is about 20 years in look and usually age as well. it kinda eggs me to see this as it seems the oldest "female" technically was dawn. and she still looked about 20 even though she was 200 and human.

  4. you know, I know I've said this before but i'll say it again. it is weird how nearly every female character on server is about 20 years in look and usually age as well. it kinda eggs me to see this as it seems the oldest "female" technically was dawn. and she still looked about 20 even though she was 200 and human.

  5. So LotC, what's on your wish-list? (Father ginge-mas may just bring you something)

  6. So LotC, what's on your wish-list? (Father ginge-mas may just bring you something)

  7. I haz question: My half orc Elphaba, found someone (An elf, leo) who has bloodlust and offered to help her control it via meditation training, He has begun to teach her how to heal through said meditation and i was wondering if i need a magic app now if i want to contiue this

  8. Anyone willing to help me with my magic app by giving me feedback on what i have written?

  9. I'm really beginning to dislike girls

  10. *Successfully dodges the purge* Looks like Knox's going to 3.0!

  11. If you could choose an LOTC member to use in a pokemon battle, who would you choose?

  12. I have 5 new Planetside 2 beta keys to give away! First 5 people to comment get them!

  13. Hmmm, how does a orc beat bloodlust? Right now im having my half orc, Elphaba, trying to learn how to control it, would causeing pain to herself work? anyone have any advice?

  14. Anyone notice lots of people are playing dark elves now. d: I was a dark elf before they were cool

  15. *Successfully dodges the purge* Looks like Knox's going to 3.0!

  16. So much trouble I would get into if my teacher did play on LoTC and knew who I am by my forum name. :3

  17. Hmmm, how does a orc beat bloodlust? Right now im having my half orc, Elphaba, trying to learn how to control it, would causeing pain to herself work? anyone have any advice?

  18. Read the top 25 of this government website. http://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petitions

  19. To celebrate my 40,000 profile views, you all get imaginary cookies :3

  20. I have a 2000 word assignment to hand in tomorrow. WHY DO I LEAVE THINGS SO LAST MINUTE? WHY?

  21.  "KoTo": Everything's better than AT.

  22.  "KoTo": Everything's better than AT.

  23. Time to re-do mah VA. I know it's a pain for everyone, but I agree that it should be done. Good luck to all that have to post their VAs again!

  24. Every Dwarfs dream: have a Orc and elf accept you I can check that one off I have a friend that's half Orc half Elf (Elphie!!!!) life is complete. . . Until II have another Idea

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