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Maletone Blazebeard (Aqua)

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Status Updates posted by Maletone Blazebeard (Aqua)

  1. The Blazebeards will rise again!!! *batman rise theme song plays*

    1. gingernut97


      NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA BATMAN! (I'm pretty sure thats the "Rise" theme rightz. ;3)

  2. Anyone like a movie by the name of "The Birds"

    1. Samoblivion


      *Screams in terror and hides in his basement.*

  3. listening to a man sing in german about an astronaut thats going to die:

    1. Quavinir_Twiceborn


      Ah! the best American past-time!

  4. The server crashed as I my fishing net was in the water :(

  5. Media team app is pending. . . Please dont let it be a April fools joke

    1. Major Dom

      Major Dom

      Wot did they du.

  6. Playing death craft 2 on left 4 dead 2 = super epic

    1. Baconthief


      Shut up bortu <3

  7. well...morthawls killing me ;-;

    1. Merkaken


      Say goodbye to your soul~

  8. whats with the server :I

    1. Lago


      Huge instability recently, and only Tythus or Telanir can fix it.

  9. Had Bad RP? C'est La Vie Baby!

    1. Maletone Blazebeard (Aqua)

      Maletone Blazebeard (Aqua)

      Also I'll be on more because I'm out of school for Canadian thanksgiving!

  10. -goes to yard- "Strawberry or chocolate milkshake?" :P

    1. Acornlad


      Which ever one brings the boys.

  11. Well If any of you remember me, I will be on alot now, got a mobile hotspot set up so yup :)

  12. PvP is all about the items now, it is not a tool to use when needed or for rp, Hardly any rp happens now, I was killed in PvP when I asked if PvP was stil lgoing on, People dont give a crap about if theres rp anymore it is "Can I get his enchanted sword?" "Can I get his emeralds?" and that is exactly the problem right there

    1. Nug


      make a thread stop complaining in status updates as it'll get you nowhere.

  13. hm cant connect to TS can any of you?

    1. Space


      Can't either

  14. Baby Come Back

    1. _pok_


      Lol u aren't coming back anytime soon

      *says the one waiting to be banned*

  15. Well..I'm now in the exact same place where I made my very first VA might not sound spectacular but I made it in India I live in canada

    1. paulie


      why the hell r u in india

  16. Yay Im gold VIP on the forums now :D

  17. Submitted my first VA app yay i mean mwahaha

  18. Now to wait 48 hours till my next VA *Sad*

  19. Cya guys won't have wifi for 3-4 days because I'm traveling a very long ways.

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