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- Aether VIP -
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Status Replies posted by LPT

  1. to be a diffrence, if ever I hae a chance to play LotC.. my parents arn't going to be killed ICly by orcs.. oh no... its going to be elves... or dwarfs...

  2. Well I just got beaten up by Orcs... My life is GREAT! WOOOO!

  3. I got tired of my Rant status so this is my new one. ":3"

  4. Master Plan: We move back to Aegis. That should lift our spirits!

  5. I don't get it, wouldn't it be difficult to mine with Iron armor on. Why do people do it.

  6. I don't get it, wouldn't it be difficult to mine with Iron armor on. Why do people do it.

  7. Just played DnD for the first time...ever. About four hours of character creation, and an hour and a half of my Sylph Druid starting a forest fire....it was fun

  8. I don't get it, wouldn't it be difficult to mine with Iron armor on. Why do people do it.

  9. Just played DnD for the first time...ever. About four hours of character creation, and an hour and a half of my Sylph Druid starting a forest fire....it was fun

  10. Trying to learn blah to be Gobo.... so hard....

  11. Trying to learn blah to be Gobo.... so hard....

  12. 5 classes until spring break. *dies*

  13. At some 2D Animation contest at a weird school....have to write a storyboard about healthy eating with fighting food....partner gone for 10 minutes LOOKING for food for the stop-motion....bkla

  14. Literally. A drunk man just crashed a moped into my house. Seriously.

  15. Zabgub got his VA hide yo kids hide yo wife.

  16. Zabgub got his VA hide yo kids hide yo wife.

  17. 4 minutes left until my precious BF3 finally has updated ^.^ Looking forward to End Game content :3

  18. Sweet jesus people. I fell unconcious in front of a group of people, people seem to ignore it.

  19. Under a Blizzard Advisory, Power is intermittent so I will not be on much.

  20. We've reached a milestone! 2800 ban reports!

  21. I wish I had a pet sloth.

  22. Is it bad to be notoriously terrible at MC PVP?

  23. Tip for RP : Play to build a story, don't play to win ^^

  24. Doing last-minutes science homework. Quick question: are there certain months Admins or Fms look at Staff applications or is it whenever there is a high amount of applications being posted?

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