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- Aether VIP -
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Status Replies posted by LPT

  1. If I spent as much studying for school as I do studying random lore, I'd probably be a friggin' genius!

  2. I'm quite happy today, and I have no reason why :3.

  3. Why own a Cat when you can own super-fast Broadband that lets you look at endless amounts of Cats on the Internet?

  4. So...Mississippi outlawed slavery yesterday.

  5. I am debating, take a girl to a dance or gold VIP.

  6. I am debating, take a girl to a dance or gold VIP.

  7. I am debating, take a girl to a dance or gold VIP.

  8. Welp, messed up changing my display name. GG. I am now SpaceZEROofAIDs for a month.

  9. Well, quite an eventful day! Sleep tight, LotC.

  10. Welp, there go the orcs.

  11. Media team.. where is that damn antagonist video you promised!? *forceful anger*

  12. Orcs celebrated beating Oren by beating the Dwarves

  13. (◕(' 人 ') ◕) ALL HAIL THE HYPNO-TEE

  14. Well, I have posted my A-team app, just gotta hope for the best.

  15. Why do girls in my school think it's funny to tease socially-awkward boys by sitting next to them and giggling with their friends? Makes me angry >:[

  16. Best part of being an atheist? I get to eat meat tomorrow :3

  17. Where is the new Dwarf island place? I cant find the boat :(

  18. My minor VA seems to have duplicated somehow O.O

  19. My minor VA seems to have duplicated somehow O.O

  20. It was to col for school today... :D so i get today and tomorow off, but I have an exam friday :(.

  21. - 35 C outside, so it was deemed too cold to make students wait for their busses. The schools weren't closed, but nobody had to go~

  22. Cocacola or Pepsi?


  24. How disapointing, you can only pay with paypal, I wanted to use visa

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