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Status Updates posted by LPT

  1. Hearthstone priests get off to making the game last as long as possible I think. Almost all of them hold until the last second of the rope. 

    1. mmat
    2. LPT


      That card is officially a must to counter priests...

  2. I definitely totally DONT want any more rep pls don't give me any more. for srs guys like don't I DO NOT want any more please, i beg of you to not. ;)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Matheus
    3. LPT


      Now that the persons status about not wanting rep is gone my meme is a bit outdated. Quite possibly the worst aged meme of history.

    4. Kaelan


      Memes come and go. It's the cycle of memes.

  3. Wrote my last exam today with minimal sleep. I fell asleep during the exam, wrote some illegible sentences, said something about Jesus and still passed. I've yet to find a class too steep for my laziness. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. LPT


      Yeah that's usually what uni likes to see grade wise. Good luck man, I've got friends writing functions tomorrow as well, haven't talked to them since this morning because they're studying lol.

    3. Space


      i will utilize your strength thank you fam (family) pray for me

    4. LPT


      Will go. :)

  4. Woke up to find out I got accepted to the school I wanted. :D


    1. Your Favorite Impure

      Your Favorite Impure

      That's always a nice thing to wake up to. Congrats man

    2. Space


      Good job buddy.

    3. LPT


      Thanks family. :)

  5. When you have a final today, and your teacher has a bad review to study from. :/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Space


      damn ******* right have some pride

    3. Travista


      when you have a final and are completely prepared

    4. LPT


      **** you Travista... I wish

  6. Pops is my new favorite artist, like no over exaggeration. I've been listening to his band's songs and his songs for a few days non stop. 


  7. I have homework due, and I'm at home, best day to grind my woodworking craft, while I sit idle waiting for all of it to finish


    1. Travista


      Sounds scarily similar to my life.

    2. Crowbill


      I sadly know the feel...

  8. "Life's a meme, Blaze it" -Abraham "Feel the bern" Washingston 1436

  9. I have two projects for two different classes worth 15, and 30% of my final mark, haven't started them yet. : ' ' ' ' )

  10. When you need to cite your textbook, but they don't add a published date... : ' )

  11. As someone trying to learn Java I've decided semi colons are the devil...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Swannick


      Its the same in Web Dev, but soon it just become's automatic. And then when you go to test that code you have spent 3 weeks on and find you missed one... Well have fun re-reading your scripts :3

    3. ShameJax


      You'll get used to it an eventually use it when writing normally...;

    4. LPT
  12. These restarts are pissing me off. I have awful internet, and it takes me 5 minutes to log in....

  13. I changed my location and user title to more validate my 1 for Geo

    1. Geo



    2. LPT


      Maighstir noticed me! :D

  14. I will say Dwarven keeps have been made to withold a siege that's for sure. Looking at the map it's going to be one hell of a time trying to  siege that from almost any angle. One angle is a choke point between trees, the other is a steep hill at water...

  15. I want to listen to rap right now, but I have my nice headphones that have very nice trebble, but like no bass or I have my awful bass muddy headset. I need to buy some hip hop headphones or something. Anyone know any decently HiFi ones for under 60 CAD? I'm poor


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LPT


      One pair is 30 bucks, the other is 4 years old and partially broken. You can have good headphones on a budget m8

    3. Smaw


      Just Sennheiser anything.

    4. LPT


      I was thinking senheiser, but their headphones are hit and miss for me, I'll look at a few and see if I can get a sample of them

  16. Don't mind me just a filthy memer trying to farm my status rep to 300

    1. Burkester


      Reminds me of myself in 2013

    2. Knight of Elken

      Knight of Elken

      only one more, you go guy (':

    3. LPT


      I am but a humble farmer Burk.... I must grow my fields. Reached 300 10 warning points here I come! ;)

  17. Availer is a semi pro CS:GO caster now. TIL

    1. Space


      He has been for a while. IDIOT.

    2. LPT


      WOW RUDE! reported

  18. When you have to sell your AWP skin to buy EU IV. :(

  19. Thank you to everyone who attended that mass. There was probably about 50 people there. The church was packed.

    1. Kaelan


      It was! I was left having to lean against a pillar at the back of the church! And I showed up a few minutes before the mass began!


      Only complaint is not being able to read what the priest was saying because of the flood of "Amens" mixing with the text from the priest. 

    2. LPT


      I agree that got a bit out of hand. Perhaps for the next large mass I will make less spots which require the congregation to say amen, or I'll ask them to whisper it so the whole church doesn't hear

  20. Sorry to everyone who showed up to mass with no avail. I had some internet issues. I'll be hosting the mass at 2:00 PM EST now. (7PM GMT) I hope with this large of a notice that many of you can show up so we can have a large, and fun mass! :)

  21. I'm holding mass(church) in 30 minutes at Felsen. I hope you can attend, afterwards I'll be holding confession


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