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Status Replies posted by LPT

  1. So... Devs are adding things to professions that they have little knowledge, basically killing that profession, and thinking that everything is peachy when literally a large portion of the community is saying, "No!". The horsening part 2, sorry alchemist, you guys are getting hit like we were.

  2. So... Devs are adding things to professions that they have little knowledge, basically killing that profession, and thinking that everything is peachy when literally a large portion of the community is saying, "No!". The horsening part 2, sorry alchemist, you guys are getting hit like we were.

  3. nTvjdk2.png


    Always funny when that alchemists fire ends up backfiring on you, right dwarves?

    1. LPT


      Perhaps I have been absent or oblivious to the dupers of other nations which is highly possible. I do go for large periods of leave however I have seen more dupers come from the Dwarven nation than any other. It is possible that humans have done it, and Orcs , but even if they did it just as much as dwarves the conversation is about Alc fire, not who dupes the most.

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  4. nTvjdk2.png


    Always funny when that alchemists fire ends up backfiring on you, right dwarves?

    1. LPT


      How can we, the public eye know this for sure when so much corruption has happened in the past under dwarven leaders. I'd love to believe that Skippy, and all of the dwarves have seriously made sure all of the duped items are gone, but it's hard to given the history.

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  5. nTvjdk2.png


    Always funny when that alchemists fire ends up backfiring on you, right dwarves?

    1. LPT


      Elysium: Hiebe has BS fire axe given by GMs, Orcs take it in battle, and lose it form their inventory just to see once more Hiebe has it again.

      Anthos: Diamonds are hidden under dwarven keep, diamonds are not on the map most dupers get lengthy punishments (Gj LoTC) 

      Anthos: Potions of invisibility are used during Ugluk for siege, Dwarven GMs allow it and even give the potions, no one else, Dwarves win the siege with the help of them

      This map: Duped Alk fire, gms are "Sure they've got all of it" 


      I could even include Niccum's nation which was involved with weightless armour issues because Niccum is a prominent Dwarf at the moment, but it wasn't for the dwarves so I'll leave that to your dicression. What I am saying is it is bad eggs that do it just like bad eggs from all sides who hack, but the key difference is none of Oren's leaders support hackers, but very prominent Dwarves almost always seem to support or do the "Bad egg" stuff



    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  6. nTvjdk2.png


    Always funny when that alchemists fire ends up backfiring on you, right dwarves?

    1. LPT


      All I'm saying is this isn't the first time dwarves have gotten tricky with dupped stuff. It's hard to believe the dwarves will play fair when over and over again they don't play fair and as such I would not be supprised if some of the Alk fire got hidden in some deep chests away from non pocket GM's eyes. Also having someone banned doesn't mean you've gotten rid of everything they've done and t w o w e  e k s is not even a long enough punishment for the malicious of an intent. That sounds like a 2 month worthy kind of offense to me.

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  7. nTvjdk2.png


    Always funny when that alchemists fire ends up backfiring on you, right dwarves?

    1. LPT


      It's not difficult to make if it's dupped. And don't even try to say all of it is gone, almost every map the dwarves do something tricky with dupped stuff and get away with it almost every time unless they dupe diamonds on a diamond free map.

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  8. nTvjdk2.png


    Always funny when that alchemists fire ends up backfiring on you, right dwarves?

    1. LPT


      My choice of words is funny when I say this due to the nature of your complaining but you can't fight fire with fire. That stuff is unbalanced too, and has been used by Dorf side just as much as humans, but that still doesn't mean we cant balance things that need to be balanced. I hope the next patch finds a proper balance for all items but alk fire nerf is a step in the right direction

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  9. nTvjdk2.png


    Always funny when that alchemists fire ends up backfiring on you, right dwarves?

    1. LPT


      @Oodles Wouldn't want a balanced item... amirite?


    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  10. lf skinner that will work for a shitty steam game

  11. lf skinner that will work for a shitty steam game

  12. lf skinner that will work for a shitty steam game

  13. I changed my location and user title to more validate my 1 for Geo

  14. Is SWTOR worth playing now?

  15. LotC, if you could "resurrect" any dead character or inactive player, who would it be, and why? Reply below!

    1. LPT


      Horen V could be interesting. It seems like if he stayed so much would be different with Oren.

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  16. Anyone have a recommended texture pack for lotc?

  17. LotC, if you could "resurrect" any dead character or inactive player, who would it be, and why? Reply below!

  18. Planting seeds should give you xp.

  19. Very sorry friends, it's getting quite late for me and I'm not quite yet ready for a reveal. First three days of New Years are hella fun but hectic for me. I believe though, that late but great is better than now but crap. Thank you! <3

  20. I want to listen to rap right now, but I have my nice headphones that have very nice trebble, but like no bass or I have my awful bass muddy headset. I need to buy some hip hop headphones or something. Anyone know any decently HiFi ones for under 60 CAD? I'm poor


  21. I want to listen to rap right now, but I have my nice headphones that have very nice trebble, but like no bass or I have my awful bass muddy headset. I need to buy some hip hop headphones or something. Anyone know any decently HiFi ones for under 60 CAD? I'm poor


  22. Situational Irony: NRA representative hired to teach kids about gun safety, accidentally kills himself because he didn

  23. Happy new year America, you're only 5 hours late.

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