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Everything posted by Mephistophelian

  1. You forget the best one of blobs, imo: http://media.turnofspeed.com/media/rowanmikaio/main_blobs74166.jpg[/img#
  2. Yess, this is very nice! A good piece of lore, once again.
  3. I like it! I thought it was already fully possible, though.
  4. Anyone know how to deal with the internal exception io.netty.handler.timeout.readtimeoutexception problem? I really can't...I've been trying all day, too.

    1. ShameJax


      Try using direct connect, if that doesn't work try a VPN.

    2. Mephistophelian


      Cheers. Direct connect doesn't work, I'll try VPN.

    3. Mephistophelian


      Worked, the second part ;) Thanks!

  5. Something's up with the server...

  6. I see all you Sith Lords, but not the most legendary one of them all?

    Disappointed, I am!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Porko


      Your lack of faith is disturbing.

    3. ShameJax


      I am the most legendary.

    4. Crowbill


      Those sith fellas are quite silly, no?

  7. Edited to have Mystics and Wights in the lists. To clarify, all future 'Light' and 'Taint' magics shall hopefully be added onto this list, along with the 'stronger' versions of each. If they aren't, it should be obvious enough, anyway.
  8. For the sake of explaining some lore on holy magics that has them affected by it, they had to be included. Essentially, they are 'dark' because of the impure soul that they are now, due to the curse. This impurity is tough, if not impossible, to remove.
  9. Wow.... Very well written, Zar! I must say, I can't think of anything like this, and that is why I love it. It creates a pure FLOOD of RP potential, as well as adds beautiful lore and more things to RP with. Honestly, you've outdone yourself. Massive +1 from me! +2 if you make it with pics ;)
  10. Fair enough, but will we be seeing a more detailed outline of the lore, any time soon? Something similar to what I mentioned would be easy to read, as well as preserving of the original lore you wrote.
  11. I'm not quite in agreement with how this lore basically allows there to be a do-all anti magic AND allows those do all anti mages to wield swords. Perhaps a full list of pros, cons, abilities it can do and red lines (like every add-on to magic or new magic lore has) is needed, so the community can really see what this is about instead of trying to decipher well written but very vague lore.
  12. The lore is well written, but you should include the list of what it does on the original topic, as it is a bit difficult to understand just what you mean without it (the list in question is the one you gave to BNK). Also, when you say 'any magic', are you speaking about literally any magic or just the two magic branches that Fi' can usually use? Also, will these types of Fi' mages still have the drawback of immense physical weakness? Finally, I echo BNKs question about the storage of souls, and add on to that by asking: can you have a Fi' Mage who uses both Tempered and unTempered souls? Also, what is all this stuff about souls leaving a space or something of the sort? I don't really get that :P
  13. Feel free! I am interested as to what you come up with :)
  14. I see this will be a situation of "my wife wanted a cat, I wanted a dog, so we compromised and got a cat". Alas, I kind of agree with you, here. I will be editing in a rendition of the following: If the Taint from a T3 Taint mage comes in contact with the Light of a T3 Light mage, the Light will have a slight advantage over the Taint, where it shall struggle to overpower it. I hope this is to the cleric chat's liking?
  15. UUthrandl stronk.... Yess, thank you! I've been looking for the name of that for ages! :D
  16. I'm sorry Heff, but I don't really think you've read the lore proposed, here. This isn't a lore that is 'catering' to the mages mentioned any more than every other lore about magic. In fact, it probably caters to these magics less, if anything. If it is wanted, I suppose I could write a lore on how these mages are so easily killed by normal folk? I don't really understand what you are asking.
  17. Edit (because the forums won't let me edit. FM, please delete this and add it to the previous post of mine, if you can): This isn't to say your feedback isn't unnoticed and tossed to the side. I will add in, in the lore, that generally it is Light that has the slight upper hand, but (if there is a disagreement), the balance returns to what I mentioned beforehand so that there are no confusions.
  18. There are tiers. That's why the MAT insists you can have two T5 magics, two T4 magics and one T3 magic (not five T5 magics). How else could they enforce this if there were no tiers? All the magic guides have tiers, all the magic lores have tiers. Tiers are very much present! Thusly...I use the much understood and accepted measurement of 'tiers' to display levels of magical prowess. As for holy mages having the upper hand; it has always been the case, and no one has fun. If you want an example, look at how the Harbingers completely squished people in PvP. "But PvP isn't RP!" You say. The comparison remains; there is no fun in being beaten without challenge. Do you know when I had the most fun (talking about personal experience, here)? When the holy mage decided to make it a fair battle. I lost some, I won some, but that holy mage (shout out to Ventios!) knew that playing it fair was the route to a good session of RP. I like to think that holy magics aren't thinks that extinguish dark magics, but rather things that combat dark magics. The candle in the middle of the room does not shine into every corner, nor does it illuminate the entire room. Instead, it pushes the shadows back. The same principle is applied here: The light is what can combat the dark, and can combat it the best.
  19. Nah, think you just have the wrong mentality about this. Good dark arts users and good light arts do not power-game each other. They meet half way. A confrontation between the two doesn't mean it will turn into an epic fight scene with one part having to lose and die. Yes, but those are good users. Some people may not, thus I personally believe that going into the details would help with that. I went into as much details as is needed. If there are issues that arise, what I have given is enough. To prove that, here is an example: Wraith v/s Xan paladin. The Xan paladin wishes to use his Light to remove the Taint of the Wraith. They argue that they are a far older, more experienced Paladin than any other Paladin, and are more powerful than the Wraith. All Mr Wraith needs to do is direct Mr Paladin to this page stating the exact opposite. Now we have the instance of a T4 necromancer fighting a T4 Xan Paladin (sorry Xan bros, I'm using you as examples but it applies to everyone!). The Necromancer insists his char is more powerful, but the Paladin refers back to here which states they are the same power. Now, this is not to say that the Necromancer can say his char is more powerful in the circumstances and the Paladin can accept that (even though they are both T4). It's just providing a fall-back guideline in case of disagreements.
  20. I'm mostly referring to the internal taint of a frost witch, here. It is a reasoning as to why a cleric cannot simply burn out a frost witch with holy flames, and it is instead harder to do. Unless you are saying it is /easier/ to damage them with light...In which case I am mistaken, and shall edit accordingly :) Edit: After talking to Disco, I have come to the conclusion that frost witches /are/ tainted, but they are just not tainted powerfully. Thusly, they can resist the destructive effects of Light just as much as, say, a Shade can, but they do not counter-corrupt the Light with their own Taint. Their form of Taint is like a brick wall instead of an army; it doesn't kill the Light army as much as a Taint army, but it blocks the Light army equally as well.
  21. The moment we put numbers, specifications and the rest of that sort is the moment things get iffy. It is not for me to decide if a wraith can survive the light of three clerics or three thousand clerics (exaggeration to get the point across), as it is largely up to RP. I'm just listing the creatures/beings that have more of the 'thing', so that it is accepted that they will be harder to combat in terms of taint/light. I originally had the idea of putting numbers, but the reasoning I just gave is what persuaded me otherwise. It's...Also worth saying that I already had an answer for this in the FAQ part.
  22. The Clash of Holy and Taint "When you light a candle, you also cast a shadow." Light Defined as any force that originates from a holy patron, light magics are those that choose to combat the ever spreading dark. Every wielder of light knows, however, that the brighter the light becomes, the darker and longer the shadows it casts. Things considered ‘Light’ for the purpose of this lore are: -Xan Paladinism -Keepers -Tahariae Clericism & War Clericsm -Itharel/Venators -Ascended These are the magics that can be affected by the to-be-mentioned ‘Taint’ magics. Taint The origin of all evil, or so the light wielders would have you think, dark magics are usually considered as such due to their unnatural nature. The great variety of dark magics means they are usually hard to pin down, and more often than not the people who practice them originate from all walks of life. Things considered ‘Tainted’ for the purpose of this lore are: -Necromancy creations (not the caster or magic) -Soul Puppetry magic (not the caster) -Blood Magic creations (not the caster or magic) -Shades -Dread Knights -Wraiths -Necrolytes -Harbingers -Drakaar -Undead -Frost Witches -Mystics -Wights These are the magics that can be affected by the aforementioned ‘Light’ magic. When Light and Taint Interact It is well known that Holy magic, for a long time, has been made in such a way that it can completely stomp out Taint magics. The act of Light magic interacting with Taint magic would be something akin to: Light magic seeks out and destroys Taint. With this lore, this will soon change. The proposed change will be as follows: Instead of Light magic simply destroying Taint in a one-sided battle, what happens instead is a two sided battle. Light magics are purposed to destroy taint, whilst the corruption of taint attempts to take over the very magic that is trying to remove it. Quite simply, Taint 'fights back' against the destructive force of Light; Light and Taint now clash, instead of taint being washed over by the relentless force of light. The force of Light, however, has been designed to seek out the force of Taint. It is for this reason that, with the exceptions to be mentioned, a Light mage will be nearly on par with a Taint mage of the same power, but shall be able to overcome them with struggle. It is worth mentioning that certain sources of Taint and Light are more ‘powerful’ than others. From the list of ‘Light’ magics, the more powerful versions are beings that are: -Itharel -Venators -Keepers -Ascended From the list of ‘Taint’, the more powerful versions are : -Wraiths -Fully fledged Shades -Dread Knights -Undead -Drakaar -Harbingers -Wights In their own special snowflake (pun intended?) section are frost witches. This is because their internal taint is able to resist the effects of Light, but it isn't, in itself, powerful. The beings mentioned on both these lists have taint/lightness which is more powerful than the others not on this list, and thus ‘fights’ the battle against the opposing force more strongly. Additionally, these are beings that have taint/lightness WITHIN themselves that is more powerful, too (e.g. a ghoul might have taint within itself, but it does not match the taint inside a wraith). Other than that, the general rule of thumb is: T4 taint is almost a match for T4 light, but the light will usually defeat the taint with great struggle. T(tier number here) taint is almost a match for T(similar tier number here) light, but the light will usually defeat the taint with great struggle. T3 light will be able to dispose of T2 taint faster than the T2 taint corrupts the T3 light. T3 taint will be able to corrupt of T2 light faster than T2 light disposes of T3 taint. This does not mean there cannot be exceptions (like if a T3 light mage is weakened from battle and is attempting to resist a T2 taint. Then, it could be that the taint pushes through, but they will require more effort than the T3 light does). Other, more obvious exceptions would be a T3 taint defeating a T3 light with cunning combat strategies. Acknowledgements: Thank you to Triplewing, Charcoal (damn, son, you're helping out a lot with lore creation these days) and Cameron for the discussion and talking of ideas. Thanks also to Tsuyose for giving the lore a one-over before the posting! FAQ Q: Why aren’t there specific guidelines on which magic is more powerful than the other, and how they interact when clashing? A: Because I believe it should be up to the players to decide. A T5 cleric will have less trouble fighting the taint of a new shade, for example. If two equally matched oponents face off, it is completely up to the RPers to decide how it goes! This lore simply states what happens between the magics. -More will be added as questions are asked-
  23. As stated before, there is already the Imp Parasite. Perhaps new lore which is essentially the same is a bit redundant? Also, take the advice of people with a pinch of salt; some just came here to vent off their hormone charged minds.
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