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Status Updates posted by FlareGunCalamity

  1. my world lore post for brynnestine is really good and everyone should read and enjoy it

  2. not enough trans characters tbh. i know theres only been more and more of them in recent years, and i know that the community on lotc is becoming more accepting overall, but i cannot be sated. i won't be satisfied until every elf and every olog on lotc questions their gender!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. rukio


      hope ur home life improves soon satinkira but please stop jumping from behind other ppls skirts to try to swing on me


      I have played a trans character since 2013

      I have no issues w/ trans characters

      I was posting song lyrics because no one cared back then 


    3. satinkira


      I do apologise for this miscommunication - it was bad timing that you posted only a minute before me, it wasn’t directed at you but instead monkeypoacher; I understand and appreciate that you’ve no issue with trans characters, and do apologise if that’s what you thought I meant 

    4. rukio


      ppl act like I'm this evil bigot. I play a gay helf and occasionally a trans welf. My helf is in probably one of the highest gay/trans per populace community (irp, who knows abt oocly now). 


      Well, I am a bigot in that I think three+ character relationships/couplings should be banned. 👏 


      If you weren't quoting him as a jab at me then I apologize, came off that way esp. w/ ur history towards me in recent eras.

  3. please someone please let me change my rank it sucks so bad

    1. FlareGunCalamity


      i will setlle for literally any rank that isnt a reference to a musical

  4. Whoops i forgot how to edit my profile

  5. ... Am i the only person left on LOTC that is a real female?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. lιoɴ


      *raises hand* real female!!

    3. FlareGunCalamity


      Actual humanoid female sitting on couch deciding whether or not the forums are innapropriate.

    4. FlareGunCalamity


      Thats me.

      Dont get any ideas tho, I'm just here for the free food.

  6. ~Make her a member of the midnight crew!

    1. FlareGunCalamity


      My friends are making a gang based off of problem slueth's midnight crew. I desperately want to represent spades but i'm hearts. *poutyface*

  7. 6 new characters added to the pendragon family: young girl, preteen girl, teen boy, middle aged mother, Middle aged man, Middle aged man's slightly younger brother, and a blood suck 5 armed scaled marmot beast named carl.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. FlareGunCalamity



    3. Elfen_


      problem is- I dont know when you get on, therefore I cannot time it correctly.

    4. FlareGunCalamity


      You don't have to. You can check my app for my time.

  8. A fellow fan of Diana Wynne Jones I see. I'm currently working on one of her more popular novels, Fire and Hemlock. You should read it too. :P

  9. A little female sparrow died on my porch last night! :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. gingernut97
    3. Bethykinss


      I remember I was going to a wedding and that day I saw a bird outside my garden, it had been shot. Not a nice sight :'(

    4. FlareGunCalamity


      It died because my cat mauled halfway to death. It cut it under the wing and made it bleed on the inside. I got to hold it in my hand while my mom stroked it's head. afterwards, we set it on the railing of our porch and it fell all the way down to the walkway in an attempt to get up. It died there. now ants are eating it. *cries*

  10. A song to sing to bullies (to the tune of "Feeling 22") I dont care about you, go **** yourself with cactus!~

  11. Alright, so Olivia is in a love triangle. Should I choose the hunky one or the noble one?

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. FlareGunCalamity



    3. aron.


      Then the answer is neither. If one of them can't beat the other, the answer is neither.

    4. FlareGunCalamity
  12. Any openings for blacksmiths? anywhere? I've a female human character who has a good eye for swords, picks, armor, you name it! Her nickname itself is Blade! Please respond if you know of any.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. FlareGunCalamity


      Ok! where is Vaerhaven?

    3. Purple Llama

      Purple Llama

      Should probably find out in RP otherwise it would be really Meta'ed....

    4. FlareGunCalamity


      I think i got the job!

  13. Anyone care for some Are pea?

  14. Awesome Sig. Awesome Awesome Sig!

  15. Awh, I may not be able to come on minecraft at all for a really long time. I'll miss you guys! :(

  16. Burgers and hotdogs! yay yay yay!

  17. California is awesome

  18. CAn anyone explain why I am no longer whitelisted?

  19. can draw, write, sing, do martial arts, bake, game,skate, swim, and whistle. I also kind of enjoy volleyball.

  20. Can someone tell me how to make myself a custom member title like some people have?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cappy


      At 500 posts (Old Hat rank) you gain the ability to change it for yourself.

    3. Shorsand


      Time to spam...

    4. FlareGunCalamity


      500 posts?

      I could have sworn i already did that...

  21. Cannibals in Salvus, Eh?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nummy


      *picks her teeth* Ya, what of it?

    3. Violet Frost

      Violet Frost

      *creep creep creep*

    4. FlareGunCalamity


      Ryder, your a cannibal?

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