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About Its_Just_Leap

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    ?Keeper of the Keys?
  • Birthday 06/02/1999

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    Its Just Leap#5153
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    Not Telling
  • Location
    In a sleepy cabin
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    Horror, music, drawing, gaming.

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    Ethel Serene, Keir Elwing, Sirius
  • Character Race
    Mali'ame, Mali'ker, Snow Elf

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  1. That face when developers will tell YOU what YOU want. Literally from what I've seen so far a developer's only argument has been "I don't want to deal with its upkeep. . ." I mean hmm. . . that almost sounds like you saying you don't want to do your job doesn't it?

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    2. Its_Just_Leap


      @Hyena No not everyone no life's it like you. You're a machine, you're not a real human being. You just went sentient and bugged out.

      I really want to know though what the Dev team is working on. That's not a shithead answer either, the default answer for that will be "1.13" but what were they working on beforehand? We were told things like alchemy was going to have its standalone plugin but nothing ever came into fruition. We didn't even get an update either, it just fell off the face of the world.

      @James It is very difficult, but they did sign up for it. It kind of seems like they're perfectly happy with ripping things out and being "all for player suggestion" when its just ripping something out and worrying about the consequenses later.

      @Lumiin I'm still salty about that. I'm still salty they shut down vanilla wow servers that were player ran. I just wanna play old WoW expansions ;-;

    3. rukio


      I think they covered that in their post. Four days no sleep btw, 2 hour sleeps every 2-4 days btw. Did my best. One month ban for not even breaking rules not long after btw.


      Anyways. I think just one is working on 1.13, one is working on staff perms etc, 2 are on hiatus, and the rest try to keep up with day to day coding and bug fixing. If memory serves from the post I saw, at least.

    4. Treshure


      Nexus is objectively bad and was the focus of the server's ire when it was active. We had no Nexus for five years prior and will be fine moving onward. Regardless, this is the dev's time and the dev's code. Unless you want to write it yourself, respect their wishes not to bring it back again.

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