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About spqrSancus

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    Nobody Important

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    spqrsancus1 (Non-personal, gaming account) Steam = spqrSancus

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    May or may not be coming back.

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    Might bring back Asul'athri. Who knows.

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  1. *shrugs* was worth a try. But... People just won't do that, Stag. And I knew that risk when I posted. It became evident in about half a minute. But we need something of that sort. Because there just isn't... Anything to do what for it. Some just can't vent any other way, but we need one.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. EmeraldStag


      To keep the forums and the community safe from the fires. We don't need anymore hate among us. Al we need to do is Keep on Keeping on and become a loving community. Please try to understand where I am coming from here...

    3. spqrSancus


      Maybe. But there must be a way, and sometimes, there just isn't a way to avoid it.

      Would you rather it be said right to the person and hurt them like ti did blundermore, and juicy, and so many others? I would not. So I'll take the hits, and I'll listen. Because often, it doesn't matter. In the end, they're going to vent somewhere. Right on the post, or right in-game. So they'll vent. And I'd rather they do it somewhere meant for such.

    4. spqrSancus


      How about this. I create a second forum account. It will be purely for this purpose, and they can send it all there. And yes, I understand. And maybe I'm pushing. But I've seen too many people hurt.

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