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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by excited

  1. War with the Clerical Order is now placed on hold until the conclusion of terms for the release of Elvira Mantisuku. Negotiations have ceased, in turn we ask that the Clerical Order entirely vacates the Caliphate in return for the following: - Elvira Mantisuku - Copies of their stolen religious texts - A ceasefire until the end of the war against Urguan Signed, Dralazar
  2. It was a cold evening in the mountains, where a simple figure garbed in black attire moved through the ruins to congregate along with the other weavers. “I have someone to present,” he had told the mime. Gareth swiveled on his heels and impaled his own brother Selrik with the Reach of Horrors, expression placid as his comrade hit the floor. He murmured, “Hazl nal Alistaer.” He felt no remorse, it was something that had to be done. And with a jolt, Selrik had awakened, peering down to find his once fleshy hands to be bones.
  3. [[ Keep in mind that the 'IC' section is IC so through reading it, the Guild Master learns of actual identities and the like. Only the OOC section of the app is out of character. ]]
  4. The New Order Overview Whether we be Apostate or Templar, our goal is to eradicate the hideous Order of Sacred Light and all its past and future incarnations as to bring balance to the realm. The Templars Focused wholly on combat, the Templars wear the emblem of a bloodied cross to signify their sacrifice. A cluster of both mages and warriors the group is formidable and trained for combat, honed weapons of the Patron Daemon Alistaer. On The Theme of Religion The creation of the universe was inconsequential compared to the forces that melded it themselves. God, the one Creator, the one Maker and all his aspects. The Old Gods and the New Also known as the False Gods, these are various Aenguls and Daemons who have tampered with the mortal plane and inflicted horrors upon mankind. “Tahariae - He who gave way to sin and impurity, he wields a sword that should not be his and does as he wishes like a slothful tyrant. Nemiisae - A goddess who long ago bedded a mortal man named Zanunder to spawn a race of wretched killers and slavers, the beast struck down her husband in his sleep and left her ilk to rot. Xan - The lion, order. Order holds no place in a world of chaos, and we thrive on change. This god would have us set into our current ways for all of eternity. Iblees - The Daemon who cast on us our bindings to his foul curses, never again shall we see him rise.” All four perceived as the harbingers of sin, to worship this group is a criminal offense to the many creeds of the covenant. The Trinity The three fatalities, or carnal acts. To commit sin earns punishment from your master, for only he dictates the grievousness of your crime. Pain Pain is an illusion, and to let it rule you is to give in to fear. Dishonor To not abide by one's words is atrocious and a wretched sin. Gluttony To take that which He does not give, to gorge yourself on the labor of others and hungrily eat more than your fair share. The Envoy The Forlorn Lord, the All-Seeing Eye, Elysium and Enlightenment are his Connotations. The Daemon Alistaer in his respective forms as Maliakiith the Warrior and Aerk’iath the Scholar’s eye spans every moment, while the Old Gods seek to impose themselves upon us he aids us in expunging the heavenly tide. He would see the world purged of godly tyranny, freeing mankind from its many unseen puppet-masters. The Reigns of Mortality None are better fit to rule the lands of mortalkind than man itself, the Old Gods’ dogma must be abolished to give way to an age of mortality and invention unparalleled in history. No forgotten gods of ages past, no archaic monoliths of self destructive holy energies, only us and the cosmos. The Triad As taught by the Lord of Carnage and First Imperator Kaer’gi, the First, Second, and Third Sins were brought unto us by the deific. “Long had the man stared at the night sky to wonder what lurked above in the heavens, and long had the answer remained barred from them. In days of yore a simple Seer had wandered the earth with a scrying orb in hand. Kaer’gi, the supposed wrath of the sun; Aerk’iath’s tenets, he taught, must be upheld lest the world dissolve into endless war and as he went on to gradually explain the sins of the deific and how all godliness must be expunged as to prevent cataclysmic conflicts such as the First Sin and the wars against both the Undead and the Scourge in more recent days. To make matters simple, the Seer claimed that the First Sin was Iblees whereas the Second was both Undead resurgences and the Third the direct intervention of AenguDaemons in mortal affairs. With this revelation, Kaer’gi’s followers basked in his wisdom and so the Seers of Aerk’iath were born and to this day they have wreaked havoc on the Brotherhood of Sacred Light and its various incarnations” (Excerpt from the Book of Life, Pg. 5) The Binding The Mark of the Viper It is said that when Kaer’gi was endowed with eldritch powers by the Daemon Alistaer, he poured energy into the first Binding. A brand, the flesh rune is a parasite that feeds on a mage’s aura and then recycles the energy to shift both the mark and all the caster’s magic to a deep crimson hue. Only one of the two true Lord-Inquisitors holds the capacity to bestow the mark upon adept Seers and Templars in the Covenant. Alistaer’s Manifestations Alistaer is commonly depicted as being in pseudo-Orenian platemail. Manifesting as either a cobra or the famed insignia of the All-Seeing Eye. The Bound Ones, the Scions of Alistaer Lord-Inquisitor Dralazar - The Lord of Torment, Wroth of Maliakiith. Lord-Inquisitor Kaer’gi - The Lord of Carnage, Scion of Aerk’iath. Koraz - The second Apostate, Lord of Fury, Wroth’s Hand. Joining OOC [[Mcname:]] [[Skype:]] [[Any accepted MA’s?]] IC Name: Age: Race: Gender: Skills: Previous Organizations: Purpose for joining:
  5. Wrong term then on my part, but the gist of it was that until now they didn't tamper with weather. Alright, as long as redlines were made prohibiting its use in combat I'd be fine with it.
  6. Kharajyr magic is OP too, the difference is this thread is centered on Druidism. It doesn't turn back time to my knowledge but instead places something into stasis? Not quite sure, again, bad lore. Druid Magic has like what, four or five sub-types? It's pretty volatile in most combat situations unless you're in a desert. This thread isn't about Druidism being OP or "go meta because x reason" weather control is primarily a shaman thing and I feel it should remain so. Most of Druidic lore is centered on flora and plant life and animals, not the actual temporal forces.
  7. You said it to me yourself Ouity, Druidism's quite powerful in its current state and I see no reason for it to be given more functions. You guys have many boons already and giving them weather control seems innately unbalanced. It's a large shift from manipulating plant life and flora to then creating storms and calling down lightning bolts.
  8. Name: Kiran Nathanial Age: 340 Race: High Elf Intended topic of book: Magic, AenguDaemonica aerialkebab pacific
  9. Stop shitposting this thread, provide feedback, or leave. To continue to engage in this behavior will earn you warns.
  10. Thank you for releasing more AenguDaemon lore, I look forward to reading more!

  11. God bless you good sir.

  12. I. The Beast Overhead . . . The Wyvern shrieked as it made its descent, moving to catch its prey a young dwarven boy unawares to no avail as he simply squealed and rolled to the side to evade its dagger sharp claws. Raking through the grass as a dwarven Lord by the name of Onar tried to move up to grapple the him, he once again took flight while releasing the aged dwarf and letting him drop to the grassy hillside below. The beast continued its way, suddenly turning south as he looped around to make for the farms of a community off the coast only to be wounded by the Void Mage Abraxas and frightened off by the Druid Crystal Bel’anoche’s fierce use of her Nature’s Communion. With this the creature fled back to his den to mend after the frightening encounter.
  13. Wanted: (E.g. 'Cockatrice') Male Wyvern Threat level: (E.g. 'Medium') Lethal Description of beast(s): (E.g. Large, black scales with red feathers, large claws.) A foreboding creature with thin slits sporting yellow eyes, it is a carnivore that feeds on sheep and man flesh alike. It sports dagger-like claws and green scales covering its large and lamellate body. It is recommended that a party of fifteen move to engage the creature. A party of 15 is recommended, any is nigh on guaranteed to be unable to slay the beast. It has appeared thrice in Dwed lands devouring the sheep and occasional straggler and leaving naught but their gruesome remains on the roads. Location: (E.g. Adria, Cerulin, etc.) The mountains near Kal'Akash. Rewards: (E.g. Minas or special item) 1,000
  14. Leo and I rarely agree on things IC or OOC but in this case I feel he's right.
  15. [[ Some of the AenguDaemonica in the lore appear to have outdated descriptions. ]] The necromancer's fingers curled inwards as a guttural hiss left his throat.
  16. "It would appear a fledgling cult is centered upon me," speaks a figure quietly as he idly flexed his fingers, a crimson mist coursing down his fingertips. "Odd, do you not agree Templar? I am flattered, but their demise still means much to me."
  17. "Kill the heretics. . . yes, them." A rather irritated necromancer comments to one of his acolytes.
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