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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by excited

  1. Yes please. Excellent lore once again, Hugo! Hopefully this makes combat a lot less one sided.
  2. The Lord of Torment rests in his abode, as one of his templars steps before him. "My lord," he began- as suddenly Kaegaz rose his hand upwards, before lowering it with a contemplative expression set onto his worn tan features. "There is news of slavers." the Templar continued, as the Lord's head tilted to the side with an almost bored expression. "Annihilate them, such a sin is against the Tenets of Man. Leave no survivors." It is then that the party began their search.
  3. [[ Nice to see the setting of DP used again! ]]
  4. Kargeth, among others things, is not apart of our canonical lore. I recommend you utilize the wiki and attempt to read more up on our lore, the elves included.
  5. The Lord of Oaths looked towards his acolyte. "We had best.. tend to this one." A note is left: we accept your offer, and expect payment. Meet at Laureh'lin's gate once I send a bird. - Anonymous
  6. This idea all together isn't that unique, well formated, or adequately presented. This looks like it was scrapped together in ten minutes simply because you thought it was cool.
  7. A note is left. Join the Order of Sirame, the local military and guard force of Laureh'lin. Housing is provided.
  8. "Slay them all." Murmured The Lord of Oaths. "Seek each and every one of them, and strike them down."
  9. If you want this done to your settlement I (and other ET) would be willing to do this for you. However, we won't force it on a party that's unwilling, or at least, I certainly won't. It was more of an inhibition than enjoyable experience last time it happened.
  10. excited

    [Daemon] Niad

    I agree with Megu, I dislike this concept because of the fact it does minimal to benefit the server. It's no protagonist, antagonist, and while the idea's unique, it doesn't seem like it could be implemented efficiently.
  11. I don't suppose I could use this while under the influence of LSD? +1
  12. Abrack Elibar'acal scowls at his cousin, Lyu. "Who let her out?"
  13. Q​uinn Falk cannot contain his laughter, he keels over, flopping onto the ground in his plates. A passerby wrinkles their nose, but Quinn continues to laugh hysterically.
  14. Makes more sense then, I support. I made a stray assumption while under duress from my aching bones. +1
  15. I mean no offense by what I'm about to tell you Hugo. Deity magic is too much of an expanse to delve in already, it's silly how it's considered stronger than an Arcane Art. You need to add more and more weaknesses, because honestly, the scope of what a Dark Shaman can accomplish is so great that even the ET look at it and go 'wtf is this shite.' Deity magic should never outrank the art which a magi draws free mana from a (believed endless) plane of existence. Add more weaknesses, no matter how articulate and well crafted this article of lore is I cannot approve another addition to an already wide range of magical skills that lie under all the magic right now.
  16. The disconnection, yes. The 'depression' that follows. I think Tahariae would see healing scars as an impractical waste of his mana/energies and would be like "lolno" to those who wished to try. Don't get me wrong, I was a priest healer of Tahariae for a good while. In general you shouldn't be able to heal yourself, it's a vain waste. Especially considering how many Clerics there are and how easily they are replaced. If you're in pain, you're unable to cast. That's it for a void mage, that's it for a Cleric, that's it for anybody who utilizes magic. It requires a lot of focus, and that little bit of pain can eradicate any chance of focusing. War Clerics already hold the ability to insta kill most dark creatures, they don't need a healing buff or ability. Even the small scrapes should stay, all the dark creatures get wiped out because of how many abilities you guys have. It's as if the darkness is meant to lose, both sides are player characters and should be treated the same. Most Clerics I've seen only heal their buddies, or the people in their rp hub. The greed is that these people want to save the people they love, and only them. A Cleric as I was told, is meant to uphold their oaths of purity and endure the torment issued by those who'd see Tahariae's influence on the mortal world destroyed. Right now Clerics have a lot of lee-way to abuse their magic as long as they murder dark creatures as well, but people should obey different sets of tenants and prayers. An example, Itharel should be chaste. They don't feel emotion, after all. Yet I see the Itharel running about procreating and a bunch of other hokey pokey, it's pretty f-cked up. Many players use Clericism as their path to Old Style Malinorian Greed, by this I mean the "im special and deserve to be looked at" syndrome that many individuals within the Caliphate and Aeroch-nor possess. Clerics come in two kinds, and neither of them fit within that model. - Paladins: The arrogant one man bastion against the darkness, a War Cleric seeking to purge Tahariae's enemies. Examples include Daniel and Braxis. - The Benevolent: A well done upholder of the Faith and healer of men's wounds, they wander the land purging the blight and mending the wounds of the many aloof Descendants across the world. Examples include Hosper, Aegor, and many others. As for the inter-Clerical marriages, I don't know too much on how the Patrons look at each other, but isn't it possible that Xan and Tahariae are rivals? As for Aeriel, she seems to get along with both. I think that upholding chasity should be somewhat vital for an aspiring Cleric, as well as abiding by monogamous relationships. Tl;dr Many people utilize Clericism in a way to express how special they are rather than for their character's actual alignment. Hence the many issues that arise with Clerics shifting allegiances at rapid times and switching between different AenguDaemons to regain their "special snowflake" status.
  17. Make it clear that "self healing" is not allowed during combat, and that it is very impractical. Also the 'removing of one's blemishes.' The magic is intended for healing others, not yourself unless you're in the most dire of a situation after a combat scenario. In general, self healing should be nigh on impossible, especially to fix one's looks. Hence why many Clerics in the past hold scars, missing eyes, and other remnants of fatal wounds in Tahariae's service. make it a red line to misuse the magic out of personal greed for both War Cleric and Priest Healing. PS: Elaborate more on 'Clerical Depression' as well. AKA: DO NOT SQUANDER THE POWER OF TAHARIAE, A PHYSICAL IMPERFECTION IS NOT IMPURITY. USE THE AENGUDAEMON'S MAGIC FOR PRACTICAL AND SELFLESS DEEDS.
  18. I forgot to mention this, Hesh. Make it clear Clerics cannot fix people who're drowning, despite it being blatantly obvious I feel it needs to be made into a red line so that it's clearly outlined as impossible. Mostly due to the fact light cannot remove water from somebody's lungs, rofl.
  19. I'd be excited to see the magic the sorcerer used specified. Otherwise, it's a pretty good read.
  20. Ikr, half my characters are horridly ugly and have terrible personalities themselves. I've only got one who's remotely handsome.
  21. I don't want you to leave tbh, but hey. Uh, lots of this seems like you're pissed off in it. Though this lore did need to be written up I suppose. +1
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