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Status Updates posted by oblivionsbane

  1. (´◉◞౪◟◉) pbbbbblttt 
    1. TeaLulu


      ლ(́ ౪ ‵ლ) 

  2. ... We should have a big hurricane for this leaving event; it's topical. 

  3. "Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down; when they do I'll be right behind you."

  4. "Let it be remembered the day the Orcs fell, not with a roar, but with a whimper."

  5. "Let us not forget the day Oren resolved that, if she could no longer be the disease that plagued our world, she would leave a scar in her stead so that no one would forget her or her atrocities."

  6. *throws a brick through a shop window* (???)

    1. Neri




  7. http://minecraftskinspro.com/default.asp?Page=2&cat=69&sort=&keyword=

    Found an old link with ~150 random old skins that people were to use for LotC.

    1. Peter Chivay

      Peter Chivay

      name it the peter chivay

    2. oblivionsbane


      I'm saving important figures, saints, and the like for smaller ships since there are a lot of them.

    3. Peter Chivay

      Peter Chivay

      oh okay nice thx u

    1. TankM1A2


      you're still alive??


    2. oblivionsbane


      You thought I died?

    3. TankM1A2


      I mean, no. Was just saying cause you dropped off the radar


  8. https://gyazo.com/af8fa865e3158e39314755dbe0bb1bff

    Never forget being given 500 minas by some random Dwarf.

    1. excited


      I was psyched. 

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