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Major Tom

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Status Replies posted by Major Tom

  1. *sighs* Microsoft Paint, the most annoying program in the universe.

  2. #IHaveNoIdeaWhat'sGoingOnButPurePressure


  4. Wardog's new picture is sexy.

  5. Gallmore in a nutshell:

  6. http://www.staggeringbeauty.com/ Ladies and Gents, the current state of our server! Rustle the jimmies just a bit an watch the results! WARNING: Not safe for people with epilepsy or light induced sezuires
  7. I love Simon Cowell.

  8. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: In the Great War, which five factions fought on which sides?

  9. Because, god forbid anyone treat me as if I am a human. I am a nation leader, and clearly only want to ruin everyones good time.

  10. If you turn someone into candy and eat them, is that still considered murder?

  11. Just saw this advert on T.V Give me your thoughts on it :L

  12. Any good mods for Oblivion?

  13. http://prntscr.com/1pldqu Scribbled this up, I think it's talking about itself...
  14. http://prntscr.com/1pldqu Scribbled this up, I think it's talking about itself...
  15. Going to bed, tired, stuff happening, feels have been felt, yada yada. Don't let the Drama Llamas come 'round when I am sleeping. I would be defenseless to them in my sluber, as my Emerald Hard fur and skin will become much softer while I sleep. Gnight everyone~

  16. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What was the main Inn in Winterfell?

  17. It's been one year since I've been accepted to this great server and community. I've had lots of fun times and great memories in that one year. Now on to two years!

  18. Rome 2... Not as good as Shogun 2 or the original Rome, but fun nonetheless.

  19. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: How are the creatures known as Hooks created?

  20. boredom strikes again, any suggestions to relieve this?

  21. Off to see Lindsey Stirling bye everyone!

  22. i dont know why but im extreamly happy for some odd reason. like legitly.

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