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Imam Faiz Kharadeen

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Status Replies posted by Imam Faiz Kharadeen

  1. Lotc staff be like "Let's work on lag and increase the work of the Dev team" then fires one of the most active devs. RIP WarclaimsΒ 

  2. congratulations on your victory kyle, i want everyone to tell kyle to go to bed because he hasnt slept for 74 hours. @DPM

  3. congratulations on your victory kyle, i want everyone to tell kyle to go to bed because he hasnt slept for 74 hours. @DPM

  4. congratulations on your victory kyle, i want everyone to tell kyle to go to bed because he hasnt slept for 74 hours. @DPM

  5. congratulations on your victory kyle, i want everyone to tell kyle to go to bed because he hasnt slept for 74 hours. @DPM

  6. gonna get u today oren, gonna get u

  7. This disappoints me in so many ways GM's. #RIPVegetarianism

  8. This disappoints me in so many ways GM's. #RIPVegetarianism

  9. convert or pay jizya

  10. Active cities/towns??

  11. Great warclaim! Props to faiz with the cav!

  12. Great warclaim! Props to faiz with the cav!

  13. @Imam Faiz Kharadeen was the video worth it?

  14. Hey guys my feelings got hurt and my pixels stolen where can I cry?

  15. Anyone 4 Civ?

  16. Anyone 4 Civ?

  17. excuse me, no offense to welf, but how is this an accepted appeal when the event details is literally half assed? people who have done super minor offenses are usually always required to write serious appeals that dont take under a min to write. literally this is the shittiest ban appeal i have ever read in all my life, show consistency when approaching ban appeals otherwise allow for everyone else to write 1min ban appeals and forcibly accept them.

  18. excuse me, no offense to welf, but how is this an accepted appeal when the event details is literally half assed? people who have done super minor offenses are usually always required to write serious appeals that dont take under a min to write. literally this is the shittiest ban appeal i have ever read in all my life, show consistency when approaching ban appeals otherwise allow for everyone else to write 1min ban appeals and forcibly accept them.

  19. I try to sleep for one night, and all this stuff happens on the forums

  20. humans located within oren shall now be knowns as hummus

  21. need experienced assassins, pm me if u want work.

  22. Convert or pay tax!

  23. ty whichever FM cleaned my topic!

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