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Everything posted by PicassoPotato

  1. Loads of C.I.S roles still open, including two admirals and loads of important droid roles http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/97486-forum-rp-ooc-the-clone-wars-unleashed/

  2. What does Fancy Fedora / Brilliant Breezer mean?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. V0idsoldier


      When you reach a certain amount of time on the server and garner enough posts, you are supposed to rank up. Total Tophat is the first. Fancy Fedora is the second. And Brilliant Breezer is the third. Though the requirements are kept secret generally. Also, muh fedora :(

    3. Jistuma


      To be one of the two I think you needed to be a staff at one time, like AT, ET, VAT, MT, etc. But now you get Ex-AT, etc instead.

    4. SparehoeCakes


      No..... The Fancy Fedora and Brilliant Breezer tags go by posts and time, as does the two tags before them. They have nothing to do with staff positions.

  3. This combat plugin should be disabled whilst fighting mobs.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Redbaron™
    3. MrSyth
    4. Dohvi


      Removing mobs won't fix the mobs spawned for events though. Give them a good de-buff, I reckon.

  4. By the way, these raps are just for fun, even though us cultists are wiping the floor >.>

  5. God damn dragons!

  6. God damn dragons!

  7. OOC MC Name: GenocidalCarrot Why do you want to join?: To provide fun RP, and to have some fun myself How will you provide the guild and the LOTC community with a great RP experience?: I will provide the community with a fresh RP chance, differing from the usual 6'4 dashing guards. Have you read and agreed to the OOC Disclaimers and warnings?: Yes sir. Link to Villain Application: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/91655-gregory-underhills-mini-va/ Skype Name: picasso.potato (just added you) RP Info RP Name: Gregory Underhill Race: Halfling Age: 27 Personality (A paragraph will suffice): Gregory is a very dark individual, very cautious towards individuals he does not know. However, if someone gets to know him enough they would find he is actually a very fun individual and his past has made him so cautious. However, his temper is known to fly and he retains the mistrust of other races he learnt from his peers. Gregory usually tries to avoid violence but if a job goes bad or he ends up cornered, he keeps a dagger hidden in his trousers, in a hidden scabbard. Aspirations and Motives for joining: Gregory wants to join because he wants to expand his thieving skills from pickpocketing and wishes to learn from the best. He also has no place to go at night and believes being with other thieves may get him this. ORQ A rich looking noble is sat down on a bench in the Abresi slums, you can see a gold chain around his neck and his pockets look to be bulging. Gregory notices the man and eyes the situation. The nearest guards were at the military docks just down the road, so he was not in much danger of being arrested if it went tail up. The halfling slowly approaches the noble and sits next to him on the bench, fiddling with his fingers. “Eh, what do you want peasent?” The noble replied, eying Gregory up and down suspiscously. The halfling looked weak so he was no danger to him and the noble turned to face him, cautiously. “Excuse me ser, but ‘ave ye ‘eard of the latest bench laws?” Gregory looked up at the noble, an adventurous glint in his eyes. “I’m makin’ a petition to outlaw it. The Emperor wants to take all benches away in Oren because he feels they offend him personally because of the shape, if ya get what I mean.” The noble frowned and shook his head regally. “I’m afraid I’ve had no such news of a bench law, peasent. Why would he be offended by a simple wooden public seat?” He looked cautiously at Gregory. “Well, look a’ the other side of the handrail your side of the bench and you will see, ser.” Gregory edged towards him slightly and pointed down to the other side of the bench. As the noble leant over, the young halfling took his chance and dipped into the nobles pocket, grabbing whatever he could which ended up being a small purse of minas. He quickly chucked it over his head into an alley and turned back. “I did not see anything. Is this a practical joke, because if it is you need to stop this lark now.” the noble said, eying Gregory and unaware of the quick theft. “It may be this side actually,” the young thief replied, pointing to the handrail his side of the bench. He quickly jumped up to allow the noble to slide across the bench, looking over the handrail once more. Quickly, with the look he’s done it before, Gregory quickly slipped the chain off the nobles wrist, turned and ran down into the alley and down into the sewers, picking up the bag whilst hearing the shouts behind him.
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